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Lonestar post season releases
Starting off this release,I'd like to mention that all future Lonestar post season releases will be posted on this thread, I’d also like to congratulate all performing ensembles in all divisions this season, as the prelims, semis, and finals performances were incredible. This season was certainly one for the records!

Lonestar Regiment as an organization was also extremely successful this season, with all four ensembles medalling in their respective divisions. The drum corps, color guard and marching also all achieved record high scores this season, with the drumline barely missing their high score record.

Looking forward to S113, the color guard and drumline will be taking up a hiatus status from S113-S114 for fundraising purposes. The drum corps and marching band will compete for one last season in S113, before joining the guard and drumline in S114. All competitive events the Lonestar organization hosts will still be held throughout this hiatus.

Speaking of future seasons.. onto the show reveals! For this upcoming S113 the Lonestar organization has a unique pair of shows..

The Lonestar Regiment is proud to present its S113 program-"The Life Of A Rose:Harmony"
This show will encapsulate the story of life's happy and bright moments, and all the memories that come with those moments..however on the other hand...

The Lonestar Symphony is proud to present its S113 program-"The Life Of a Rose:Tragedy"
This contrasting show will capture the darker more cruel and tragic aspects of life.

The ensembles highlight these contrasts with their musical selections, which at face value are actually exactly the same. However, true to their shows tones and moods, the drum corps arrangements are all in major, while the wind ensembles are all in minor. Truly setting the tone of these all to different but similar shows.

We couldn't be more excited to field these shows and their excellent repertoires, in fact you can catch us this next season performing our home show in Finland! Both the winds ensemble (marching band) and the drum corps will be hosting likely in the fourth week of S113.

Once again congrats on a great season everyone, and we'll see you in the next!

The Lonestar Performing Arts Organization
D2 S110 DL and DC champions
D2 S111 DL and CG champions
D2 S113 MB Champions
D1 S117 CG Champions
D1 S118 CG Champions
D1 S119 CG Champions
Another season in the books! Here's Lonestars S113 recap!

The Lonestar Performing Arts Organization yet again had another successful season of which to celebrate their 5th anniversary with. The drum corps managed to finish off the season with another 2nd place finish with a score of 91.085. The corps also won again, for their third season in a row, the best percussion caption, in fact the corps percussion was clean enough to end up placing 5th among all other divisions making it the best drum line and front ensemble fielded by the organization to date. The marching band, the Lonestar Symphony, managed to finish off this season with a record-breaking 1st place score of 90.570. The ensemble took home gold, with a caption sweep as well. The ensemble's title marks that the organization has officially won every circuit in division two.

Looking forward...

In the coming seasons S114-S116 the organization will be taking its planned hiatus, making a return in S117, possibly in division one...

Throughout these seasons however, the Lonestar performing arts organization will be holding its competitive events across the world in Madagascar! This time there will be events for all four circuits! Be sure to sign up your groups! (Being on the discord helps) Each event will likely have a write up analyzing each of the top fives shows, so be sure to put some detail into those repertoires!

That'll wrap up this seasons recap, we look forward to returning with fire in S117! Best of luck this coming season!

The Lonestar Performing Arts Organization
D2 S110 DL and DC champions
D2 S111 DL and CG champions
D2 S113 MB Champions
D1 S117 CG Champions
D1 S118 CG Champions
D1 S119 CG Champions
And just like that another season has flown by! We at Lonestar would like to congratulate our friends over at Petaling Jaya Sound, and Black Gold for having incredible record breaking seasons!

S114 was a fundrasing success for Lonestar as each of our competitions were extremely successful in raising funds which can be used to benefit our organization in a number of ways. Of course none of this would be possible without the fantastic community, so thank you, for sponsoring our events!

Speaking of events however there was a mistake in our competition schedules and they ended up landing on the wrong day. We'd like to send our utmost apologies to the Spirit Of The Raiders, and the Lumberton performing arts organization as our scheduling mishap ended up conflicting with their contest schedule. Once again we apologize greatly for the inconvenience.

Mistakes aside however all Lonestar competitive events this season will still be held in ordinary fashion in our international location of Brazil! We look forward to seeing the competing corps guards,bands and drum lines at all of these events!

At this time the Lonestar Performing Arts Organization is still on track to maintain our current scheduled hiatus through S117. There has been some talk among the directors about making a return earlier than scheduled with individual groups, however at the time it is only speculation.

We hope everyone has a fantastic season as we continue to look forward to the future.
The Lonestar Performing Arts Organization
D2 S110 DL and DC champions
D2 S111 DL and CG champions
D2 S113 MB Champions
D1 S117 CG Champions
D1 S118 CG Champions
D1 S119 CG Champions
It's ok! I do not mind sharing that day with another fantastic organization like yours!
Director of:
- Lumberton HS MRB
- Lumberton HS World Guard
- Lumberton HS Winterline
- Spirit of the Raiders
Our hiatus is officially over!

Just like that 3 whole season went by, and it's time for another post season release.In this specific release we'll cover show reveals, contest locations and post hiatus ambitions!

Going immediately into reveals we'll start with the Color Guard. The guard has officially begun production of their S117 program "Stranded.." This program tells the story of 5 astronauts as they crash land on a desert planet and are slowly forgotten.

Next is our Drumlines production "Hunters" the drumline has started working day and night to tell the story of ghost hunters solving the riddle of an ancient haunted mansion!

The next production we are excited to reveal is the Lonestar Symphonys show "Ocean Spirits:Myths Of The Sirens" This show tells the story of a crew on a journey through the ocean when things suddenly get quiet... too quiet.

Finally revealing their S117 production "Firestar!" is our very own drum corps the Lonestar Regiment. Their show is a fire fueled, jazzy, rock, roller coaster. This shows repertoire is designed to get the crowd on their feet!

Moving on to our compeition location this season-

We will be continuing our trend of hosting internationally in the spirit of promoting the arts! Luckily this season we have gracious hosts Taiwan hosting our events. We are excited to provide such an outlook to Taiwan and it's people. I know our corps members are excited to visit as well!

And on to our closing statement. The past few seasons (hiatus seasons and no hiatus seasons) have been incredibly good to us! Funding and support has been at an all time high allowing for the organization to buy more staff and equipment of higher quality. So given that support and funding that the community has so graciously provided to us, we are excited to announce (given our promotion to D1) that our end goal this season isn't just D1 finals, but perhaps something greater.. Nonetheless however we'd like to wish all competing organizations good luck! This season will be one for the books!
The Lonestar Performing Arts Organization
D2 S110 DL and DC champions
D2 S111 DL and CG champions
D2 S113 MB Champions
D1 S117 CG Champions
D1 S118 CG Champions
D1 S119 CG Champions