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Season 108: Discussion, Rankings, Competitions, Etc.
We are live at Lucas Oil Stadium for the S108 FMA World Championship. It has been one of the most exciting seasons of play in the history of FMA. Congratulations to Patriots and The Seawolves on their respective victories. Both groups have been world class for an entire month and FMA is lucky to have them competing at such a high level. And now for the big boys. The reason 12,000 are in attendance. Division 1.

12. Spirit of the Raiders have had a good season. They have dealt with adversity but have overcome all the obstacles standing in their way, including a surprise appearance from Spectrum Force, the long scrutinized FastForward corps. I have been asked why I believe their program, "A Band Director's Perspective" is the most difficult put on by a group this season. The reason I say this is because of how different all three movements of this show are from each other. Phillip Glass' The Canyon slowly draws you into the mind of a band director. Its repetitive rhythm manages to put you in a bit of a trance, eagerly wondering what is coming next. The visuals in this opening section are splendid to watch as well. Its clear that the group emphasized visuals in general, with a powerful hornline to compliment. Where the show takes an unexpected turn is Concierto De Aranjuez. It may be the best ballad in FMA. Its Spanish flair brings a different sound. This is almost outdone by the closing segment, Madea's Dance of Vengeance. Pure chaos. The tonal shift from the beautiful to the ugly carries the show to its climactic finish. While not the cleanest, this has been a fun one to witness all season long. Spirit really did get into the mind of a band director with this one. - 83.800

11. Eternal Glory has been one of DCL's best competitors this season. They performed really well at Masters of FMA and also managed to clock in a very respectable 11th place finish tonight. Their program Into the Deep made us grow our sea legs. Sonically the group managed to play with power. The opening Symphony No. 5 set the tone early. Its clear that Eternal Glory took a classical approach with their music. The production has many runs and is overall pretty difficult. Their closer Wine Dark Sea is a sidewinder that closes in at top speed and then some. Unfortunately I think the corps bit off a little more than they could chew, resulting in lower ensemble scores. This show just wasn't clean enough to be a true contender. However, I can't deny the spirit that was put into this project. Behold, the sea! - 86.765

10. Maple City Cadets wowed crowds with their epic rendition of Les Misérables. They played their hearts out and managed to put together their best run of the season. What this show is lacking in visual promenince, the hornline more than makes up for. Cadets are always a crowd pleaser and S108 was no different. With the steep competition its been difficult for the corps to breakout, but they always know how to put on a show. With more hard work and dedication, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Maple City rise the rankings and become a legitimate contender in Division 1. In a way the story of Les Misérables parallels what the group has had to deal with all season. Against all odds and fearsome foes that never let up, Maple City fought for their respect and rightful place amongst the best. Although they did not win, they fought to the last man. For liberté. - 88.555

9. Synecdoche managed to put together an amazing performance despite not fully being in competition mode this season. The group has been grinding to raise its influence in an effort to recruit more musicians that can meet their famous standard. Still, even with their public engagements they have worked for their placement at 9th. The corps had a great show design with Rose Tint My World. The thing that Synecdoche does so well here is blend so many different styles into one that works. The show to me questions one thing. Is this person that im looking at with rose tinted glasses really worth it? Is she truly the love of my life, or is she just another mirage? The show has many styles to it, mirroring how this "love" wears so many faces. From the eccentric Rose Tint My World, to OutKast's Roses and the pop Electronica that ensues after, the evolution doesn't end. Its in the climax, Roses' Turn, that I get my answer. Take the glasses off! A sidenote: the 1000 rosepedals that the group tossed into the air after their final note was a great touch for sure! Gotta get that GE. - 89.210

8. Central Symphony fought with everything they had to hold onto this spot. Their production Wild Blue Yonder is an adventure from start to finish. I interpret it as an exploration piece. Things open up with Benedictus as the corps gets into place. Visually everyone looks stunning and on point. It is a preview for the epic finale that is to come. We go straight into the bombastic yet eerie Epiphanies. The music choice here is sublime. It accurately depicts the unease associated with the beginning of a great quest. Michael Buble's Sway is where the corps is at its best. Its obvious that the visuals were a crucial component to what Central Symphony wanted to accomplish. This sudden change of style surprisingly fits well. The more somber Benedictus returns, this time stronger than the last. The ultimate struggle to find oneself in the world is brought to a head with Maverick. There are many runs and hits in this portion of the music, with fast paced marching and clean body visuals to accompany. This is where the corps fell short. As an ensemble they just were not good enough. The talent is there and I respect the ambition. The closer Great Wide Open was the best moment of the show by far. The corps asks if this is life that we are really living. Evidently everyone has a small child still living inside of them, waiting patiently to explore that Wild Blue Yonder. They just need to be set free. - 89.275

7. The Couchaliers just put on a classic performance. Their closer was clearly the best in FMA this season. But you cant win a world championship with just a closer. Its unfair to say that the rest of their show Juliet wasn't performed very well, but if im being honest it lacked something. This group has been on my radar for a long time because I believe they have what it takes. They have been around a very substantial amount of time, they have the branding and swag, and with this concept they could have done something very special. The competition was insane in S108 which definitely caused this one to slip within the cracks. Regardless of placement, the pop when Romeo slits his throat during Elsa's Precession will forever be remembered as the loudest of the season. It was like being in the opera. I am rooting for The Couchaliers to become a more prominent drum corps in FMA. What this show lacked was the little bit of extra that every other corps had from 5 onwards. General Effect cannot be overlooked. The corps will take this as a lesson but can still be proud of the performance they put on tonight. They are truly one of the most talented groups we have in the circuit. - 91.450

6. Si Feng in my opinion did not have a moment that could match the powerful finale they had to follow. However, as a whole this show just had more going on. The lone Chinese corps opted to go with a feel good pop based production. A Double Decadal Rewind made a bunch of pop hits that a marching band would be expected to play sound like a legit competitive drum corps show. There was a level of artistry when it came to the composition which has surprised judges all season. The reason Couchaliers weren't able to overtake Si Feng is simple. The Music General Effect was just too much to overcome and pushed this group over the top. This proves that popular music can be employed within more drum corps shows. Not everything has to be stuffy and classical. What really gave this show life was the upbeat nature of the music. Where things can improve next season is visually. It wasnt a poor performance in that regard but it wasnt special either. Higher visual scores can propel this group to a new level. For now they finish a respectable 6th. This is the highest score Si Feng DBC has posted so far. It was their first season in Division 1. Watch this corps in the future. - 91.710

5. Legacy Drum and Bugle corps started out this season on a fast track to a medal. Unfortunately things just didn't pan out the way they hoped. The Stars Say Hello was still a great program that sounded absolutely beautiful. I can honestly point out no holes. Musically and visually Legacy were on point. This is just a case of heavy competition. This group is big on letting concepts speak for themselves. In a way they are the Stanley Kubrick of FMA, opting for themes that aren't easily distinguishable right away but grow on you over time. A top 5 finish is nothing to scoff at, even if sights were set a bit higher this season. With more practice and maybe some fundraising campaigns, Legacy has the chance to be a formidable force in FMA. My advice to their director is to keep fighting and improving. All the ingredients are there, but this season they weren't ready for prime time. I have a feeling thats going to change soon. - 96.395

4. Petaling Jaya Sound quite simply may have had the most impressive season out of anyone. While they couldn't quite get that bronze medal, A Southern Saga: In Memory of Coastal Surge did exactly what it set out to do. The way this drum corps paid its respects to the lives lost sonically and optically is matched by few. Spangled Heavens opens the show with two distinct moods. There is a somberness that is overlaid with jovial expressions. This perfectly encapsulates how the dead weren't always dead. There used to be a life and light that they produced. Gone is quite simply the best ballad of the season. It is heart-rending and difficult to listen to, yet it perfectly portrays that somberness that was slightly present in act one. The composition combined with the cinematic visuals brought the message home. These people had families. They had loved ones that are now left behind to pick up the pieces. Of all the corps that took the field, the most tears were shed for Petaling Jaya Sound. They are a true testament of what hard work can accomplish. While they didnt quite have enough to overtake the next corps on this list, this is clearly going to be one of the most dangerous groups to watch out for. They made their statement and entered their name in the history books. Gone but not forgotten. - 96.450

3. High Desert Vanguard have done it again. They had to fight off many adversaries and at times things got too close for comfort, but their rendition of the famous musical Miss Saigon proved to be almost perfect. This show was just heartbreaking to watch. We all know how the story ends between the two lovers that are across the world from each other, and yet we were still captivated. The fact is this; High Desert Vanguard looked and sounded superb as an ensemble. Thats what got them their much deserved victory. The Fall of Saigon was one of the biggest moments in FMA S108. The raw power and emotion conveyed made this one a huge hit. In a different season, this show may have been a winner. Bronze is a great finish for lemon, who is slated to be inducted into the Hall of Fame this season. More on that later but you heard it here first! Miss Saigon was the musical at its absolute finest. If Vanguard can improve their individual musicianship, their ceiling automatically rises. For now 3rd will have to do. - 97.015

2. The Panthers made history tonight. The corps managed to unlock the ever elusive formula to win their first Divison 1 Medal, and their first top 3 finish since season 45. Rocky Balboa told the story of the greatest comeback in human history. In their first season of competition in what seems like forever, the sound of South Florida put together their best season ever. They tried so hard to come out on top, but it seems fitting they get the silver here. Rocky didn't manage to beat Creed after all. This show from start to finish was a fan favorite due to its simplicity and familiarity. The Panthers have been known to blow the faces off of audiences around the world with their famous trumpet screamers, and there was plenty of that tonight. Where this show differs from all the others is balance and blend. The corps made an effort to focus on General Effect and Ensemble scores before  they hit the major captions. The hornline of course got first place and almost a perfect 10. Percussion managed to come back after being in a deficit all season long, as well as the guard. Both groups were only bested by the final corps on this list. The biggest moment of the night for this group was The Final Bell. Seeing the guard reenact Apollo and Rocky duking it out as those famous chords rang through the stadium was quite the spectacle. Where this show shines is its closer. Most directors would end on that climax. The Panthers kick it into 3rd Gear with Gonna Fly Now. The Maynard Ferguson inspired tune perfectly states what this group has believed since its beginning. The Panthers are badass, and we are here to stay. Don't ever count us out of a fight. - 98.020

1. Rebels have finally done it. The feeling has to be great for the Fort Worth corps. All season long they have pulled at the heartstrings with their production Entranced With You. The opener Equus sets the tone early. The complex rhythms and riffs were quite simply impressive to witness. This group was on another level all night. We are drawn into the mind of a deranged lover yet again. The pop infusion with selections like We Were Never Lovers and The Walls Are Way Too Thin was brilliant. Combining these sounds with classical elements is what wowed judges from start to finish. Rebels were by far the cleanest corps of the night. The questions asked about what love really is made this show iconic. Other groups also asked these questions, but Rebels did it best. Where most corps would opt to end in spectacle, Rebels softens the mood with the work of the great pianist Onofrio Cellamare. The music makes you feel alive, as does the love being depicted. Recurrent ends the show with a whisper into the night. Beautiful and profound, love never truly dies does it? - 98.870

This concludes S108! Everyone did an amazing job and we are set to have a memorable S109. Congratulations to all the corps that competed and won. Also a special shout out to gcurrier and mceuph for allowing us to showcase our groups on this stage. Their world tour was a huge success and is bound to bring even more eyes and ears to the sport.

Best In Show (Alex's Opinion)

Best Winds - The Panthers
Best Percussion - Rebels
Best Guard - Rebels
Best Visuals - Central Symphony
Best Ensemble - High Desert Vanguard
Best General Effect - Rebels

Best Opener - High Desert Vanguard
Best Ballad - Petaling Jaya Sound
Best Closer - The Couchaliers
Fan Favorite - The Panthers
Best Concept - Rebels
Alexander Morales

The Panthers Drum and Bugle Corps- CLASS
FMA Hall of Fame Committee Co-Founder
FMA Commentator
Former FAME President
Thank you so much for the through review. This season was one of the most exciting FMA has seen in a while.
Continuum (Resigned)
Wow that was the best write up I've read quite possibly ever. Thank you for the kind words and breakdown of the shows. Im so happy that the concept made sense and resulted in a great competition with each other. Cant wait for next season to start!
Director of Rebels
-The Best Rebel Band In All The Land!
I absolutely love this review! This is incredible and I hope to see, obviously if you want to, more from you in the future! These are the most fun to read and you have such a way with words that makes this site even more immersive. I love it! I hope to see you in 109!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
I have finally won my first gold in D1. Might not have been in drum corps which is what everyone focuses on but a gold is a gold and I’m still very happy and proud of my groups.
Legacy DBC