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Max difficulty and staff levels
Howdy! I'm curious and have a couple of questions for anybody more experienced than me in using this site. My max difficulty for my groups is around 20-23 depending on the group, and I'd like to know if there's a ceiling on that difficulty level. I know there's a ceiling on staff levels though, and I'd just like to know what the max is. Thanks!

I looked through some older threads where these questions have been asked but those are from years ago and the game may have changed since then
Lemony fresh!
The max difficulty is 25. I believe you access the higher levels as you upgrade staff but I can't remember for sure
Continuum (Resigned)
The ceiling on staff is 25. As for the Ceiling on difficulty, I'm not sure, im currently sitting in the 20-22 range however I haven't done a hard show in a while so my difficulties may have gone down over time.
Legacy DBC
Thanks to both of you!
Lemony fresh!