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Season 104: Discussion, Rankings, Competitions, Etc.
Howdy! After an extremely successful season 103 for me, I'm very happy to announce quite a few changes to my groups. For starters, all 4 of my groups have departed from their longtime home of Chula Vista, California to the high-elevation snowy tourist destination of Flagstaff, Arizona. With this change, all of the groups have also gone through some rebranding and my show names have changed as well, though they will always remain on the same day!

This season I'm also taking my first foray into leagues, as I've created my own set for all 4 circuits! They're called the League of Gentlemanly Drum Corps, Marching Bands, etc. and anyone who values gentlemanliness and class is welcome to join by sending me a message, wink wink nudge nudge. I'm very excited for this season! How about you guys?
Lemony fresh!
First time hosting Masters this season, also my 15th season active so hoping for big things. Unfortunately, I'll probably be less active and just let the season play out sometime after week 3, gotta head out to all-days!
Rose City Performing Arts Association - Portland, OR

~ Rose City DBC • Compass Rose MB • Rose City Independent • Bridge City PE ~
Same here, I'm not gonna be able to do my score rankings for quite a while starting about halfway through the season lol
Lemony fresh!
Happy to finish with a medal last season after a season-long battle for 3rd. (Even though I would've been 4th if Chula Vista was D1) Definitely happy with my score and the fact that I was able to kinda get back into rehearsing every day. Every season I go through the same thing. I think of a new idea for a show around Week 2, say "nah it's too early to think about next season," and then get smacked in the face by finals and fumble to come up with show ideas for a day or two. I think I'll have 10th Regiment's show finalized by the end of today lol.

I'm marching Southwind this year so move-in isn't until next FMA season. Definitely gonna be fundraising influence in S105 and S106 though.
10th Regiment
My competitions are starting to fill up May 27th!!
Drum Corp: 7 SPOTS LEFT
Drumline: 12 SPOTS LEFT
Eyes with Pride,

Director of:
Pride of Godley-S102 D3 Silver
Wildcat Pride Drum Corps-S109 D2 Silver
Pride of Godley Drumline-S106 D2 Champion
Godley Pride Guard-2x D2 Silver
Sorry about that Jordan, my groups reeeaaally should have been in D1 last season... oh well, hopefully that will be corrected this time around

Congrats on marching with Southwind by the way!
Lemony fresh!
wow the Avon show is filling up fast too! 1 spot left out of 20 groups what a lineup! also good luck to all my DCI friends i marched 6 years from 2016-2021!
Founder of Indiana Regiment
Director of Avon Highschool Marching band
Founder of Bands Of America!
My competitions are starting to fill up May 27th!!
Drum Corp: 6 SPOTS LEFT
Drumline: 11 SPOTS LEFT
Eyes with Pride,

Director of:
Pride of Godley-S102 D3 Silver
Wildcat Pride Drum Corps-S109 D2 Silver
Pride of Godley Drumline-S106 D2 Champion
Godley Pride Guard-2x D2 Silver
Good luck to everyone marching this summer, it's my first season back since Covid started so I'm very excited. See y'all on the virtual and irl field!
Rose City Performing Arts Association - Portland, OR

~ Rose City DBC • Compass Rose MB • Rose City Independent • Bridge City PE ~
Maybe I'll see you on the field, Lithium! I'll be with Genesis DBC, good luck to you guys this season!! ^^

Best of luck to you all here virtually! I look forward to this season! I would love to win with one of my favorite show designs for drum corps yet!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Finally! I'm (partially) back in div 1!
Lemony fresh!
My Guard got moved up into Division 1!!!!! Band and Drum Corp stayed in Division 1 & 2 respectfully!
Director of:
- Lumberton HS MRB
- Lumberton HS World Guard
- Lumberton HS Winterline
- Spirit of the Raiders
Congratulations! This will be the first time my Marching Band competes in division 1 I believe, only my percussion has made d1 before if I'm not mistaken, so this season will definitely be an interesting one! But Lake Orion is excited to have our Marching Band be placed among the best of the best!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Division 2 in my second season for my Marching Band! Excited to see how I stack up this season. Percussion will have to try and maintain its D3 title and the Drum Corps is as expected D3 for its first season. Looking forward to a great season from everyone!

Mighty Bird Band
Mighty Bird Drumline
Lone Star of the South DBC
Hailing all the way from Texas
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I get an adrenaline rush when my groups are in Division 1. You are truly competing against the best of the best.
Director of:
- Lumberton HS MRB
- Lumberton HS World Guard
- Lumberton HS Winterline
- Spirit of the Raiders
After 12 seasons of being inactive due to insufficient funds, my drumline is back and ready to go!
Director of:
- Lumberton HS MRB
- Lumberton HS World Guard
- Lumberton HS Winterline
- Spirit of the Raiders
Lemony fresh!
Have a great season everyone! :)
Today is opening day! Best of luck to you all! We shall see how I do as my only groups performing today are my D1 groups lmao.

Best of luck to you all!!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Good luck to everyone!

Mighty Bird Band
Mighty Bird Drumline
Lone Star of the South DBC
Hailing all the way from Texas