November 17th, 2021 9:44pm
Hi all!
Buchanan High School Performing Arts is saddened to inform you all that the following events will not take place for the 100th season of FMA:
56th Annual MCBA State Championships
Cavalcade of Brass
Cavalcade of Colors
Cavalcade of Drums
Recently, we had to hire and train both new and existing staff to essentially redefine the program here at BHSPA, and until our finances return to normal, at this time, we only have enough in the budget to host an event in our color guard circuit. However, our administrative team and board of directors felt it was in our best interest to wait until all four circuits could come together and host events again. We wish everyone competing a well deserved good luck in upcoming shows, and we hope to be back hosting events beginning in week 3 of season 101.
As always, GO BUCKS!
- BHSPA Administrative Team and Board of Directors