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Season 2 Divisions
Division classifications should be assigned early Thursday.
Sweet, i'm excited.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Cruuuuuuuuuud. =/ I've been on too much. I'm going to end up in division one..... DDDD===
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Maybe there's a thread you could point me towards that explains it, but I'm curioius as to how you assign our divisions! Thanks.
Express Drum & Bugle Corps - Div II
Rhythm X-press Drumline - Div II
Expression Winterguard - Div II
This thread discusses the forming of divisions: http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/forums/viewtopic/36
Exciting news!
Director of:
Open all Knights Drum Corps
Kentucky Mustangs Marching Band
Static Guard winter guard
Majestix (Magic Stix) Drum Line
All proud members of ECC Region 3
This isn't good, school starts tomorrow so I'm only going to be online once or twice a day.
lol, I think there will be a lot of people upset with their division. We're all trying to squeeze in extra time before school/ college classes start back up. But, once they do, most of us will be online way less.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Ugh. 2 Division I groups and two Division III groups. Craaaaaaap.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I have all four groups in D1. This could be interesting.
Director for:
Bluegrass Regiment D&BC- D1 CLASS
Commonwealth Arts Acad. HS Band -D1 ENCORE!
Wildcat Winter Guard-D1 LEGS
Wildcat Indoor Percussion Ensemble -D1
i have all 4 as well.. hmm jumps from div 3 to div 1 dont usually happen do they?
Resilience (Drum and Bugle Corps)- D1
Shadows (Marching Band) - D1
Skyline (Winter-guard) - D1
The Thunder (Drum-line) - D1
I just started my indoor groups during finals week, hence their division III-ness.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I'm all Division I. I was hoping for Division II...this season...
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
yup. same here. But I will enjoy the challenge. If you wanna be a big guy you gotta face the big guys.
I'll be the first to welcome everyone (apparently :P ) to Division 1
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Thaaaaaaanks. haha
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
'Ception-Watch Out. I might not be able to get you this season, but rest assured, I will be coming for you.
I got all Div 2. Good luck to everybody next Sunday.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Division II =) I'm excited!