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FMA Unofficial Rankings Season 93
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Drum Corps rankings for Sunday, February 21st, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 95.085
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 92.075
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 91.395
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 89.435
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 88.385
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 85.695
7th: Samurai (DTG): 84.985
8th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 81.85
9th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
10th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 80.81
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 80.6
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 81.78
2nd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 79.575
3rd: Azure Rangers (DTG): 79.1
4th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 78.9
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 77.52
6th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 75.025
7th: Progress DBC (DTG): 74.415
8th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 72.015
9th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 70.535
10th: SKDC (FAME): 70.44
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 69.915
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 69.61

General Effect: Azure Rangers
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 72.385
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 72.155
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 70.715
4th: The Cardinals (DTG): 68.31
5th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 68.25
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 66.905
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 66.72
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 63.825
9th: Devils (DTG): 62.76
10th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 62.26
11th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 60.71
12th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 59.135

General Effect: Solstice
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: Solstice
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
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Drum Corps rankings for Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 95.085
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 92.075
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 91.395
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 89.435
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 88.385
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 85.695
7th: Samurai (DTG): 84.985
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 82.3
9th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 81.83
10th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 80.6
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 82.565
2nd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 79.575
3rd: Azure Rangers (DTG): 79.1
4th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 78.9
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 78.08
6th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 75.35
7th: Progress DBC (DTG): 74.415
8th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 72.015
9th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 71.38
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 70.535
11th: SKDC (FAME): 70.44
12th: Euphoria (GEDC): 69.915

General Effect: Azure Rangers
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 73.555
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 72.155
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 70.715
4th: The Cardinals (DTG): 69.015
5th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 68.25
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 67.605
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 67.38
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 65.18
9th: Devils (DTG): 63.455
10th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 62.26
11th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 60.71
12th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 59.135

General Effect: South Star
Brass: South Star
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
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Drum Corps rankings for Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 95.985
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 93.17
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 92.475
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 89.435
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 89.22
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 86.64
7th: Samurai (DTG): 85.41
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 82.3
9th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 81.83
10th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 81.695
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 82.565
2nd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 80.765
3rd: Azure Rangers (DTG): 79.1
4th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 78.9
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 78.08
6th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 75.985
7th: Progress DBC (DTG): 75.305
8th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 72.565
9th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 71.38
10th: Euphoria (GEDC): 70.795
11th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 70.535
12th: SKDC (FAME): 70.46

General Effect: Azure Rangers
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 73.555
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 72.905
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 71.795
4th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 69.93
5th: The Cardinals (DTG): 69.015
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 67.605
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 67.38
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 65.18
9th: Devils (DTG): 63.455
10th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 62.26
11th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 61.94
12th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 60.51

General Effect: Solstice
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
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Drum Corps rankings for Wednesday, February 24th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 96.555
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 93.635
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 92.845
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 91.395
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 89.22
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 87.155
7th: Samurai (DTG): 85.755
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 83.605
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 82.26
10th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.025
11th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 82.565
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 81.66
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 81.475
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 80.66
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 78.08
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 76.05
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 75.985
8th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 72.79
9th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 72.555
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 71.965
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 70.795
12th: SKDC (FAME): 70.445

General Effect: Azure Rangers
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 74.625
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 73.375
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 72.59
4th: The Cardinals (DTG): 70.35
5th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 69.93
6th: Red Bears (DTG): 68.15
7th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 67.605
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 65.18
9th: Devils (DTG): 64.62
10th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 62.51
11th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 62.26
12th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 60.51

General Effect: Solstice, South Star
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
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Drum Corps rankings for Thursday, February 25th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 96.555
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 94.105
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 93.25
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 92.035
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 89.22
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 87.635
7th: Samurai (DTG): 85.755
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 84.26
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 82.45
10th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.235
11th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 84.785
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 82.34
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 81.475
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 81.19
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 80.29
6th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 77.12
7th: Progress DBC (DTG): 76.735
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 73.225
9th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 73.12
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 72.495
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 71.785
12th: SKDC (FAME): 70.455

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 74.645
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 73.605
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 72.89
4th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 71.65
5th: The Cardinals (DTG): 70.68
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 69.215
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 68.585
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 66.4
9th: Devils (DTG): 65.26
10th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 64.815
11th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 63.175
12th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 62.27

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
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Drum Corps rankings for Friday, February 26th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 97.445
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 94.445
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 93.61
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 92.55
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 90.685
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 88.115
7th: Samurai (DTG): 86.47
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 84.835
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 82.865
10th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.235
11th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 85.455
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 83.105
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 82.57
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 81.525
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 80.76
6th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 77.54
7th: Progress DBC (DTG): 77.2
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 73.73
9th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 73.355
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 73.01
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 72.375
12th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 71.345

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 74.84
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 74.09
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 73.5
4th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 72.395
5th: The Cardinals (DTG): 70.925
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 70.105
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 68.83
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 66.935
9th: Devils (DTG): 65.815
10th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 65.635
11th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 63.6
12th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 62.95

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Saturday, February 27th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 97.445
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 94.445
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 93.61
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 93.075
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 90.685
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 88.115
7th: Samurai (DTG): 86.465
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 85.485
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 83.355
10th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.43
11th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 86.16
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 83.845
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 83.02
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 81.73
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 81.205
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 77.815
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 77.8
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 74.2
9th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 73.53
10th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 73.355
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 72.375
12th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 71.345

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 74.845
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 74.09
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 73.5
4th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 73.08
5th: The Cardinals (DTG): 71.4
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 70.72
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 69.055
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 67.105
9th: Devils (DTG): 65.815
10th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 65.635
11th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 63.77
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 63.6

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Sunday, February 28th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 98.225
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 95.44
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 94.2
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 93.645
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 91.15
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 89.065
7th: Samurai (DTG): 86.455
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 85.485
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 83.355
10th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.45
11th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Nemesis
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 86.885
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 84.64
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 83.535
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 82.245
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 81.97
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 77.815
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 77.8
8th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 74.21
9th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 74.2
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 73.51
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 73.12
12th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 71.345

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 74.845
2nd: Solstice (SWDCL): 74.8
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 74.505
4th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 73.66
5th: The Cardinals (DTG): 71.4
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 71.21
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 69.055
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 67.67
9th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 66.715
10th: Devils (DTG): 66.39
11th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 64.365
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 63.73

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: Solstice, South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Monday, March 1st, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 98.51
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 95.905
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 94.625
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 94.23
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 91.755
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 89.515
7th: Samurai (DTG): 86.89
8th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 86.71
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 83.905
10th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.405
11th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Nemesis
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 87.64
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 85.325
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 83.535
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 82.68
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 82.445
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 79.13
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 78.175
8th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 74.655
9th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 74.2
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 73.995
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 73.47
12th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 73.3

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: Solstice (SWDCL): 75.145
2nd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 75.04
3rd: South Star (DTG): 74.845
4th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 74.485
5th: The Cardinals (DTG): 72.045
6th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 71.965
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 69.055
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 67.67
9th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 66.715
10th: Devils (DTG): 66.39
11th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 64.365
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 63.73

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: Solstice
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Tuesday March 2nd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 98.8
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 96.31
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 94.905
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 94.71
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 92.175
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 89.985
7th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 87.355
8th: Samurai (DTG): 87.055
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 84.11
10th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.405
11th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 81.78
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Nemesis
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 88.33
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 86.005
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 83.535
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 83.31
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 83.125
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 79.92
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 78.79
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 75.965
9th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 74.665
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 74.23
11th: Euphoria (GEDC): 73.48
12th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 73.3

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 76.13
2nd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 75.725
3rd: Solstice (SWDCL): 75.405
4th: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 75.105
5th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 72.73
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 72.575
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 69.055
8th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 67.9
9th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 67.67
10th: Devils (DTG): 66.39
11th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 66.25
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 64.935

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 99.13
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 96.655
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 95.405
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 95.275
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 92.615
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 90.475
7th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 88.065
8th: Samurai (DTG): 87.54
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 84.57
10th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 83.225
11th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.41
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.855

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Nemesis
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 89.04
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 86.72
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 85.24
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 83.83
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 83.58
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 80.6
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 79.005
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 76.6
9th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 74.905
10th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 74.9
11th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 74.61
12th: Euphoria (GEDC): 74.295

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 76.54
2nd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 76.095
3rd: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 75.86
4th: Solstice (SWDCL): 75.625
5th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 73.265
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 72.895
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 70.54
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 68.855
9th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 68.175
10th: Devils (DTG): 67.74
11th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 66.505
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 65.01

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: Solstice
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)

Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Friday, March 5th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 99.62
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 97.325
3rd: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 96.245
4th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 96.195
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 93.37
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 91.33
7th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 89.235
8th: Samurai (DTG): 88.225
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 85.18
10th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 83.38
11th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.445
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 80.455

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Nemesis
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 90.335
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 88.15
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 86.21
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 85.05
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 84.48
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 82.04
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 79.635
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 77.635
9th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 76.01
10th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 75.745
11th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 75.605
12th: Euphoria (GEDC): 74.705

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 77.82
2nd: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 77.205
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 77.06
4th: Solstice (SWDCL): 76.515
5th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 74.065
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 73.5
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 71.32
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 69.655
9th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 69.51
10th: Devils (DTG): 68.27
11th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 68.13
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 65.9

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: South Star
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: South Star
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)

Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Saturday, March 6th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 99.835
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 97.615
3rd: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 96.655
4th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 96.56
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 93.79
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 91.76
7th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 89.775
8th: Samurai (DTG): 88.225
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 85.34
10th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 83.635
11th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.445
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 80.455

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Nemesis
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 91.000
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 88.875
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 86.735
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 85.465
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 85.05
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 82.68
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 80.27
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 78.075
9th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 76.42
10th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 76.22
11th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 75.835
12th: Euphoria (GEDC): 75.15

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 78.255
2nd: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 77.9
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 77.535
4th: Solstice (SWDCL): 76.77
5th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 74.58
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 73.865
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 71.68
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 70.38
9th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 70.000
10th: Devils (DTG): 68.915
11th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 68.835
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 66.075

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: South Star
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: South Star
Percussion: South Star
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)

Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Sunday, March 7th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 99.955
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 97.895
3rd: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 97.05
4th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 97.025
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 94.12
6th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 92.245
7th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 90.57
8th: Samurai (DTG): 88.4
9th: Red Blazers (DTG): 85.74
10th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 83.89
11th: Atlantic Volt DBC (DTG): 82.445
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 80.455

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Nemesis
Visual Performance: Nemesis
Color Guard: Nemesis
Percussion: Nemesis

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 91.595
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 89.555
3rd: Sound of the Times (DTG): 87.175
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 85.975
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 85.64
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 83.375
7th: The Brigadiers DBC (DTG): 80.28
8th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 78.6
9th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 76.95
10th: The Rising Glory DC (DTG): 76.67
11th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 76.065
12th: Euphoria (GEDC): 75.71

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Sound of the Times
Visual Performance: Sound of the Times
Color Guard: Sound of the Times
Percussion: Sound of the Times

Division III:
1st: South Star (DTG): 78.81
2nd: Corps of Unspecified Identity (UNSP-C): 78.39
3rd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 78.06
4th: Solstice (SWDCL): 77.205
5th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 75.31
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 74.105
7th: Red Bears (DTG): 72.095
8th: Petaling Jaya Sound (DTG): 70.875
9th: Michigan Hell Divers (EMP): 70.47
10th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 69.61
11th: Devils (DTG): 69.11
12th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 66.12

General Effect: Corps of Unspecified Identity
Brass: South Star
Visual Performance: South Star
Color Guard: South Star
Percussion: South Star

Great season everyone, the recap roundup will be posted by the end of the week

Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)