August 19th, 2020 6:52am
Chris. I owe you a deep sincere apology. I am really sorry for reacting the way I did. You truly and deservingly won the championships. I acted out of frustration, and yes, it is more in the game itself and not players and how they play. To be absolutely honest, I was looking at a couple personal bests, including high percussion, and saw those down the drain. I must realize though, that regardless of your late entry and a drop in placement, I still achieved some records for Aftershock regardless of placement.
Personally, I'm not sure what we can do to get the practically guaranteed perfect scores under control, I don't want to see anyone not play. That's just detrimental to the whole purpose for being here. I do wonder if there is a way around just completely starting over, as a lot of groups have a very rich and colorful history here. I know it does bring some excitement into building again. I do have an alternative that could be tried by a few groups next season, if only to see what kind of a difference it makes. And it could possibly lead to a 100, though may be more competitive as it may not be guaranteed. It's basically the same principle I use with all my B groups to keep them in Division 2, while actually scoring like DII groups. This has kept me in the top 12, sometimes sweating it out with a lot of work to do, but I've never blown out my competitors by doing this. I basically don't create my B groups until after divisions have been assigned. They receive no practice until that time so in essence I'm giving the other competitors a full weeks headstart on me in building up their captions. I wonder how this approach would pan out with some DI groups. It's basically a self-imposed handicap. Scores may be initially 3-4 points lower starting out, though will definitely improve with the season. It may level final scores out just short of 100. It may be worth a try for some.
Let me know what you guys think and see if we can self fix this. And again, please accept my apologies Chris. This initial post was uncalled for on my part. I just want the game to get better, with everyone feeling they have a fair shot.