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FMA Unofficial Rankings 2: Electric Boogaloo (Season 86)
New Thread! New Season!
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion
I'm loving the title lol

Here's a link to the new sheet. Groups are being added gradually, but will be done before Monday's scores are released:


Side note: Let us know if there are any mistakes with your groups name or league. Also please solidify your groups name by Monday and please try your best not to change it afterwards. It's pretty difficult to track down your old groups scores when you change it midseason.
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Hahahaha so many div 1ssss
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
Just checked, this is our biggest Division 1 Drum Corps list since Season 48!
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Since season 48?! That's crazy!
Founder of the DTG League (Drum Corps Together)
Founder of the DLTG League (Drumlines Together)
Founder of the CGTG League (Color Guards Together)
Founder of MBTG League (Marching Bands Together)
I mean around 50 for both D1 and D2 is pretty big but think about it. We have almost 70 groups for D3!!!
Sound of the Times Drum Corp (Re-Est. 82)

Member of DTG
That’s absolutely insane. Wish me luck making finals this year lol
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
This is great! Hopefully the change in division is a good motivation for those of you who have been dedicated over the last few seasons.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Digimen's 1st season and we're Div 2 let's go!
Digimen Drum & Bugle Corps
Beach City High Marching Band
Interested in how this goes after 5 years off. :O
DBC - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
MB - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
CG - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
DL - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
Can you lock the top row of the sheets so as we scroll down we can see the labeled stat
Sound of the Times Drum Corp (Re-Est. 82)

Member of DTG
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
A tiny change from last season, I'll be mentioning the top 3 from each division for these daily rankings, instead of the overall top 3.
Link to rankings:


Rankings for Monday, April 13th 2020

Current leaders by division:

Division I
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 86.210
2nd: Nemesis - 80.595
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Cavaliers - 77.575

Division II
1st: Rebels - 54.710
2nd: Spartan DBC - 54.430
3rd: Colts DBC - 54.415

Division III
1st: The Yee Yee Birgade - 49.950
2nd: Azure Rangers - 49.610
3rd: Hidden DBC - 48.625


Division I
1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 88.560
2nd: Knights DL - 83.325
3rd: Samurai PX - 79.325

Division II
1st: Wagyu Beats - 60.900
2nd: Sakura Sound - 59.635
3rd: Lake Orion Percussion - 59.330

Division III
1st: Hellstorm In. - 51.590
2nd: West Everglades In. DL - 51.360
3rd: Trinity IP - 48.715


Division I
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 95.250
2nd: Samurai Open - 84.875
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners - 84.870

Division II
1st: Lake Orion WG - 72.090
2nd: Tempest - 71.560
3rd: Blossom - 68.770

Division III
1st: Crossroads Guard - 55.260
2nd: Lua - 53.420
3rd: Yeet Guard - 52.890


Division I
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 86.150
2nd: Marching Knights - 80.230
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Perf. Ens. - 77.045

Division II
1st: Avalanche Winds - 63.010
2nd: Golden Band - 61.785
3rd: Lake Orion Dragon MB - 60.880

Division III
1st: Marching Panthers - 52.780
2nd: West Everglades Marching Manatees - 52.535
3rd: Bluefield HS - 50.850

Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Wow. How do you start out with a 95?
Digimen Drum & Bugle Corps
Beach City High Marching Band
The Unspecified Ensembles have a lot of influence, allowing them to recruit more during pre-season. I believe all staff is maxed out as well.
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
I'm happy to announce that @drumcorpsgeek will be helping me with rankings! We'll be working together to make sure the rankings are updated as often and as soon as possible.

Link to rankings:


Rankings for Tuesday, April 14th 2020

Current leaders by division:

Division I
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 86.210
2nd: Nemesis - 80.595
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Cavaliers - 78.460

Division II
1st: Rebels - 55.635
2nd: Spartan DBC - 55.120
3rd: Colts DBC - 55.045

Division III
1st: Ohio Pride - 50.045
2nd: The Yee Yee Birgade - 49.950
3rd: Azure Rangers - 49.610


Division I
1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 88.560
2nd: Knights DL - 83.325
3rd: Samurai PX - 79.790

Division II
1st: Wagyu Beats - 61.745
2nd: Lake Orion Percussion - 59.960
3rd: Sakura Sound - 59.635

Division III
1st: West Everglades In. DL - 52.355
2nd: Hellstorm In. - 52.315
3rd: Q.I.P. - 49.570


Division I
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 95.250
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners - 85.605
3rd: Samurai Open - 85.370

Division II
1st: Lake Orion WG - 72.090
2nd: Tempest - 71.560
3rd: Colors of Osaka Bay - 68.785

Division III
1st: Teal Glassmen - 56.175
2nd: Crossroads Guard - 55.935
3rd: West Everglades IG - 54.110


Division I
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 86.150
2nd: Marching Knights - 80.230
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Perf. Ens. - 77.945

Division II
1st: Avalanche Winds - 63.545
2nd: Golden Band - 61.785
3rd: Lake Orion Dragon MB - 61.660

Division III
1st: West Everglades Marching Manatees - 53.790
2nd: Marching Panthers - 52.780
3rd: Bluefield HS - 50.840

Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Is it an accomplishment that my drum corps is currently the highest scoring ensemble without a caption medal? Or a show medal for that matter.
Director of Stetson Marching Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Calgary Stetson Showband (ENCORE BoD)
Canada Corps (CLASS BoD)
Alberta X Winterguard (LEGS BoD)
Maple Leaf Percussion (DLTG BoD)
No, buts a cool stat you can care about!
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion
Link to rankings:


Rankings for Wednesday, April 15th 2020

Current leaders by division:

Division I
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 87.540
2nd: Nemesis - 81.960
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Cavaliers - 79.340

Division II
1st: Rebels - 55.635
2nd: Spartan DBC - 55.120
3rd: Colts DBC - 55.045

Division III
1st: Shreveport Shredders - 52.245
2nd: Ohio Pride - 50.045
3rd: The Yee Yee Birgade - 49.950


Division I
1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 89.735
2nd: Knights DL - 84.375
3rd: Samurai PX - 80.490

Division II
1st: Wagyu Beats - 62.610
2nd: Lake Orion Percussion - 60.420
3rd: Sakura Sound - 59.635

Division III
1st: West Everglades In. DL - 52.355
2nd: Hellstorm In. - 52.315
3rd: Q.I.P. - 49.570


Division I
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 96.215
2nd: The Knight Guard - 93.230
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners - 85.605

Division II
1st: Tempest - 72.865
2nd: Lake Orion WG - 72.090
3rd: Goldenrod - 69.165

Division III
1st: Teal Glassmen - 56.165
2nd: Crossroads Guard - 55.935
3rd: West Everglades IG - 55.175


Division I
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 87.570
2nd: Marching Knights - 81.665
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Perf. Ens. - 78.805

Division II
1st: Avalanche Winds - 64.470
2nd: Golden Band - 61.785
3rd: Jessamine County "Pride of Dinoco" - 61.715

Division III
1st: West Everglades Marching Manatees - 53.790
2nd: Marching Panthers - 52.780
3rd: Bluefield HS - 50.840
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Ohhh yeah, my group's finaly in the top 3 :)
Director of Jessamine County
Finals Appearances (Total - 6)
• Division 3 : S82
• Division 2 : S83, S84, S85, S86, S87

Highest Placement - S86 Division 2 4th Place