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Season 86: Discussions, Rankings, Competitions etc
This is the thread for Season 86!
What are your hopes for the new season? What divisions do you hope your group(s) get? What do you think your starting scores will be?

Good luck to everyone in this season!!!
Founder of the DTG League (Drum Corps Together)
Founder of the DLTG League (Drumlines Together)
Founder of the CGTG League (Color Guards Together)
Founder of MBTG League (Marching Bands Together)
Is anyone else experiencing something very weird? The season is changing every minute or so and it's erasing every time I audition performers. At one point when I checked the schedule it was Season 86, then I checked again and it was Season 87 (??), then a few minutes later it was Season 85.
10th Regiment
I think things are back to normal. I was so worried for a minute because I hosted for both Season 86 and 87 and lost all my money but now it's back😄
Director of Jessamine County
Finals Appearances (Total - 6)
• Division 3 : S82
• Division 2 : S83, S84, S85, S86, S87

Highest Placement - S86 Division 2 4th Place
Yeah that happened to me when I first got set up.
Continuum (Resigned)
I got one d1 bronze last season, let's see if I can improve on that!
Director of Stetson Marching Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Calgary Stetson Showband (ENCORE BoD)
Canada Corps (CLASS BoD)
Alberta X Winterguard (LEGS BoD)
Maple Leaf Percussion (DLTG BoD)
All of my groups were Division 2 for the first time last season so hopefully it stays like that, I'd definitely die in D1 lol. My main goals are for Kanpeki-sa to score over 90 so hopefully we start off with at least a 60 on the first day. I also want all of my groups to at least medal again and hopefully get gold. Good luck everyone!
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Hoping I finally medal in div 2 this season. Really slacked in rehearsing last season but got a 4th place and 2 5th places. Definitely have the potential but let’s see where this goes!
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
This is my first time back to this site since roughly 2016-2017. I've decided to start fresh with a new account/ensembles so I'm excited to see how far I get this time around!
Welcome back!
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Yeah after 4 seasons I still haven’t hit 80 yet. Lol I don’t know what I’m doing wrong considering I got pretty close the first season. Hopefully all goes well this season
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
Hoping to Podium D2 for the first time
Sound of the Times Drum Corp (Re-Est. 82)

Member of DTG
Asking all of the people who have found success in the past- I don’t exactly know what I’ve been doing wrong but my scores are not improving each season. I made like a a 10000 influence jump before last season and my final results were incredibly similar to the prior year. I also picked a very difficult show and my training was pretty unbalanced but is that really my problem? I feel like I have the influence and staff to find success but I haven’t been finding much lately.
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
Hmm I always make my shows the max difficulty. Are you running any campaigns?
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
I’m usually on 30 promotional but I have the double effectiveness on campaigns perk. Last season I was 30 fundraising
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
Oh, I personally don't run any campaigns and gain between .8 to 1 point a day score-wise. I remember when I did the recap roundup this morning I saw that your group was really strong in the GE/Ensemble captions but lower in everything else, so maybe try adding points in those categories a week before the season ends. I saw my greatest point gains when I rehearsed in a weak category and diminished returns when I rehearse the same categories all the time (last season was visual performance, I added too many points early on lol)
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Cool yeah usually I have a really unbalanced point spread haha. Thanks!
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
Are you upgrading your staff as well? What are you spending skill points on?

I really didn't start seeing score gains until I started putting skill points into the specializations. I did all of my skill points backwards so I didn't do those until the very end.

A lot of it comes down to just remembering to rehearse every 6 hours.
Continuum (Resigned)
My effect specialization has been maxed for quite a bit of time, but the other two are lacking. That could possibly be my problem. And hopefully I’ll be more consistent with rehearsal as well this season.
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
I try to keep everything balanced.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Alright I’ll try a more balanced approach. I always figured it would be more helpful to work on effect because of the double weighting but that’s probably what’s been screwing me over. Lol
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)