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It's finals week and I just want to tell everyone how much I appreciate your participation. It's been almost ten years since this version of FMA launched and I've never really made a serious run for the Division 1 championship until this season. It's gearing up to be historic. Honestly, I am surprised nobody else has earned straight 100 across all four ensembles until now. Feels wrong to be the first, there are so many great directors here.

I know the game gets redundant, but keep playing. It's more fun when more people play. :)

I hope everyone has a great week (and wash your hands)!

Detroit Parks & Recreation

Thanks for the feature on the subreddit! The write-up focuses on the corps, but the band and drumline also cracked 100 for the first time last night.


Detroit Parks & Recreation
Ah yes, my bad on excluding your other ensembles. I'm for the most part a drum corps fan so I tend to focus mainly on the drum corps aspect of the game, I'll figure out how to branch out of that eventually lmao
In the meantime, you killed it last season, you were one of many reasons S85 was really something special, and I'm very excited to see how S86 plays out!
ECAA Director of Bands