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How do campaigns work
Hey there, relatively new to the game so I'm still figuring everything out. I've read the game guide regarding campaigns but I still don't exactly know how they work, or really how to use them. If anyone could maybe explain it differently? Like I get the basic premise of it how you start one and it will convert energy into money or fame or whatever, but like how does that affect the normal energy regen, and how does regen even work? My energy seems to cap out at 600 but once it caps does it stop the campaign or what? And will campaigns run if I don't have the game open? Because it seems like I stop earning money after a certain point even when it seems like I should have earned a lot more money than I earned over the course of a campaign.
ECAA Director of Bands
Campaigns simply convert a certain amount of your energy to money or influence. You get 100 energy per hour, so if you have a campaign running for 15 energy, then you get 85 energy per hour for rehearsal.

If you let your energy max out at 600, then you won't accrue more energy and the campaign will stop as well. Campaigns will run if you don't have the game open as long as you log on a couple times a day to rehearse and keep your energy from capping out.

Campaigns are part of a very long term strategy. You are essentially giving up short term success now for greater success later.
Continuum (Resigned)