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FMA Unofficial Rankings Season 85
Hey y'all, its your boy, oumondragon. As a side project I decided to create a ranking list of ALL groups for this season. This is mostly for stat junkies at me who love looking at data. Feel free to leave any suggestions regarding format and data that should be included. At the end of the season I will announce medalists as well as caption winners among other things. Hopefully I can keep this up for at least one season.
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion

(copy+paste this link to look at the rankings)

Rankings for Monday, March 2nd, 2020

Current leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 86.59
2nd: Continuum - 80.765
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Cavaliers - 76.52

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 89.05
2nd: Knights Drumline - 84.775
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm - 77.425

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 95.555
2nd: CloudScape - 83.62
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners - 83.37

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 86.635
2nd: Marching Knights - 81.86
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble - 76.355
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion
Looks nice! I have something like this as well but your version is much more cleaner lol
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
No complaints about these rankings. :)
Detroit Parks & Recreation

(copy+paste to see rankings)

Rankings for Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Current Leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 87.295
2nd: Nemesis - 82.805
3rd: Continuum - 81.35

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 89.645
2nd: Knights Drumline - 85.21
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm - 78.005

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 96.085
2nd: The Knight Guard - 93.345
3rd: CloudScape - 84.335

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 87.315
2nd: Marching Knights - 82.42
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble - 77.145
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion
Haha I am totally the same way with stats! Thanks for putting together this list! It really shows I need to make a lot of improvement from so far lol. Will you be updating this often?
/|\ Director of Sierrita/Keystone Marching Arts /|\
Sierrita Sound (DTG)
Keystone Valley HS Indoor Percussion (DLTG)
Keystone Valley HS Marching Band (MBTG)
Sierrita Independent (CGTG)
It looks great!

Would it be too much to ask to create graphs showing group's scores throughout the season? It may be a lot more work so if you can't do that it's okay.
Director of Stetson Marching Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Calgary Stetson Showband (ENCORE BoD)
Canada Corps (CLASS BoD)
Alberta X Winterguard (LEGS BoD)
Maple Leaf Percussion (DLTG BoD)
Graphs would be nice but it would probably have to be split up by division so it's easier to read. @oumondragon, if you ever need help with updating the rankings I would be down to work on it. I use google sheets daily for uni so I can add some of the stuff other people suggest as well.
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Nice job oumondragon!!

Thanks for taking the time to do this!!
Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble (Est. S - 74)
Wondermint Rainbow Cavaliers (Est. S - 75)
Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners (Est. - 75)
Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm (Est. - 76)
I am trying to keep this list as updated as possibly, do to this being my hobby and also I only work on it at uni its really difficult to always be up to date (especially as I don't check FMA on weekends).

I am not sure how to make graphs from google spreadsheets yet, but that will be something I can try to do in the future.

I would love to have someone help me with this! If you are interested please pm me. You must be familiar with spreadsheet/excel programs and be willing to update the list on a a near daily basis. This project is my baby so I'd always prefer to work on it, but on the occasions when I can't I'll be happy to know that someone else can.

EDIT: I have already chosen a potential candidate to help me with rankings. Still feel free to leave any suggestions on how to improve these rankings
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion

(copy + paste to see rankings)

Rankings for Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Current Leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 87.295
2nd: Nemesis - 83.59
3rd: Continuum - 81.975

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 89.645
2nd: Knights Drumline - 85.825
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm - 78.005

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity
2nd: The Knight Guard
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 87.315
2nd: Marching Knights - 82.42
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble - 77.145

PSA: For my own sanity. Please try to not rename your group in the middle of the season. It makes these rankings harder then they need to be if I have to track down groups that renamed themselves and adjusting the rankings. Its not the worst thing in the world but it does get annoying. If FMA had a system where you can view a groups old name it would be easier, but they do not, so I will complain in the mean time. Sorry if this sounds harsh and ultimately it doesn't matter, but its just a pet peeve and I want to be able to make these rankings without too much hassle.
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion

(copy + paste to view rankings)

Rankings for Thursday March 5th, 2020

Current Leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 87.295
2nd: Nemesis - 83.59
3rd: Continuum - 81.975

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 89.645
2nd: Knights Drumline - 85.825
3rd: Maple Leaf Percussion Ensemble - 78.295

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 96.085
2nd: The Knight Guard - 93.345
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners - 84.805

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 87.315
2nd: Marching Knights - 82.42
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble - 77.145
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion

Rankings for Friday, March 6th, 2020 (formatted by @LongSchlongJimmyJohn)

Current Leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 89.265
2nd: Nemesis - 83.59
3rd: Continuum - 83.185

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 91.245
2nd: Knights Drumline - 85.825
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm - 79.87

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 97.455
2nd: The Knight Guard - 93.345
3rd: CloudScape - 86.31

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 89.3
2nd: Marching Knights - 82.42
3rd: Calgary Stetson Showband - 77.74


A slight revamp in terms of formatting, and the inclusion of a tab for viewing sub caption leader boards.

Also I would like to announce that @LongSchlongJimmyJohn will be helping me with the rankings from here on out. He did the rankings for this day and created the sub caption rankings. They and I will alternate on who does the rankings from day to day (ie I will do the March 7th rankings and he will do the ones for the 8th)
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion
Thanks for doing this. I made a copy of your spreadsheet and added some formulas and conditional formatting to the drum corps tabs. I made it more dynamic, and made it so the sub-caption rankings are all automatically updated as you update the main sheet with the scores.

If you want to play with it, go to File > Make a Copy and mess around with some of the drum corps scores. If you want to copy it to the other ensembles, take a look at the formulas on the captions tab in row 2. Also take a look at how the conditional formatting is setup. If you can't do it, let me know and I'm happy to add these changes to the other ensembles.

Continuum (Resigned)
Wow, thanks @mceuph! I figured there was a way to have it done automatically because I've seen it before, but I forgot what formulas did the job lol. We'll add these to the rest of the ensembles for the upcoming rankings today.
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Thanks @mceuph , I knew there was a way t do that type of formatting but I wasn't sure how to do it, I''l be sure to have that added in the next rankings or two.
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion

(copy + paste)

Rankings for Saturday, March 7th, 2020 (done by @LongSchlongJimmyJohn )

Current Leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 89.86
2nd: Nemesis - 83.59
3rd: Continuum - 83.185

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 91.705
2nd: Knights Drumline - 85.825
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm - 80.415

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 97.855
2nd: The Knight Guard - 93.345
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners - 86.785

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 89.915
2nd: Marching Knights - 82.42
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble


Special thanks to @LongSchlongJimmyJohn for helping me with these rankings and adding some stylish visuals to the rankings. Also thanks to @mceuph for creating conditional formatting. I really do appreciate it :)
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion
Hey y'all, rankings for March 8th and 9th have been done, but I haven't made any post for it yet due to the news regarding WGI's cancellation of all events. I am still currently marching Winter Percussion and this news has really been affecting me all day. The rankings will still continue, but thats the reason why no update post has gone up despite the rankings itself being up to March 9th.
Once I get out of my slump I'll be trying to update them as normal
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion
Rankings for March 8th/9th, 2020 (done by me and @LongSchlongJimmyJohn)


Current Leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 90.975
2nd: Nemesis - 86.44
3rd: Continuum - 84.96

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 92.575
2nd: Knights Drumline - 88.3
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm - 81.33

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 98.49
2nd: The Knight Guard - 95.5
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners - 87.78

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 91.04
2nd: Marching Knights - 86.21
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble - 81.685


Still feeling the slump from my winter season prematurely ending, but I'll still be sure to keep up with these rankings. As an aside, I am debating on moving these rankings to being posted on reddit, or posting the rankings on both reddit and on here. Let me know what you guys think.
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion

Rankings for Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

Current Leaders:

Drum Corps:
1st: Corps of Unspecified Identity - 90.975
2nd: Nemesis - 86.44
3rd: Continuum - 84.96

1st: Drums of Unspecified Identity - 92.575
2nd: Knights Drumline - 88.3
3rd: Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm - 81.805

Color Guard:
1st: Guard of Unspecified Identity - 98.49
2nd: The Knight Guard - 95.5
3rd: Starlight Independent - 88.31

Marching Band:
1st: Band of Unspecified Identity - 91.04
2nd: Marching Knights - 86.21
3rd: Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble - 81.685
Minutemen Drum & Bugle Corps
Legacy Regiment
Sapphire Independent
Blue Thunder Percussion