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So I really want to do drum corps this year specifically with 7th regiment I have money and everything I'll pay for everything but my mom still doesn't want me to do it. I'm 1st trumpet in marching band and I think i'm a good player. So can anyone help me to persuade why I should do it. I'm a Junior and I don't want to miss this opportunity before I age out. And I practice every day showing i'm dedicated. May someone please help!
Blobfish90 Director of
Atlantic Volt DBC (Est. S75)
37 Liberators(Est.S75)
Emerald Swift (Est. S77)
Nutmeg Rangers MB (Est. S75)
If you're a junior in high school you have plenty of time before you age out. Take mom to a show, introduce yourself and her to members of the corps in the lot after the show and express your interest, have them tell her about their experience. There are documentaries about life on the road, watch them with her. But nagging her about it will probably not help your cause.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Thanks man... First thing first is to get a car, eventhough I explain to my mom that I stay with the corp for the summer. She still doesn't want to bring my butt on a long haul all the time to the feild. I live about an hour from where they practice. But I get it, gas is expensive. If I don't do it this year I might just audition for Jersey Surf next year I know A LOT of people who work with that core. Crazy!!
Blobfish90 Director of
Atlantic Volt DBC (Est. S75)
37 Liberators(Est.S75)
Emerald Swift (Est. S77)
Nutmeg Rangers MB (Est. S75)