Season 80: Discussions, Rankings, Competitions etc
July 28th, 2019 10:05pm
Season 80 is here! Hopefully no more typos in my titles this season lol
Vano Highschool CG (Est. 65)
Opal HS Marching Knights(Est. 65)
Ferox (Est. 65)
Hartford Sound (Est. 66)
July 29th, 2019 12:12am
Coming back after a long break, hoping to medal this season!
Re:Sound Collective - 2x D1 Bronze, 1x D2&D3 Champ
Excelsior Winds - 3x D1 Silver, 2x D1 Bronze
Antiphony - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D2 Champ
conNexus - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D1 Bronze
July 29th, 2019 7:48am
Hello everyone!!!!! Sorry i have band camp today! Ill be gettong to my invitationals and shows today at lunch!!! Sorry everyone! Hope all have a great bandcamp!
H. Kelley
Black Knights D&BC | Director
Phantom Regiment D&BC '21 Contra
Casper Troopers D&BC '22 Bari | Euph
July 29th, 2019 7:55pm
Let me know if you need help setting up the ENCORE season
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
July 29th, 2019 8:02pm
Masters of FMA events are now up! My apologies for not getting them up sooner. I had band camp today and this is the first time I was able to be on my computer.
Founder of the DTG League (Drum Corps Together)
Founder of the DLTG League (Drumlines Together)
Founder of the CGTG League (Color Guards Together)
Founder of MBTG League (Marching Bands Together)
July 29th, 2019 10:16pm
Sorry everyone!!!! Events are all up! Colorguard and Drumline events included!! Sorry it was a long first day of band camp.. how is everyone else going?
(Our school starts next Wednesday and there isnt even a parking lot finished!
H. Kelley
Black Knights D&BC | Director
Phantom Regiment D&BC '21 Contra
Casper Troopers D&BC '22 Bari | Euph
July 29th, 2019 11:02pm
We started band camp last week, it's been very hot down here in Texas but we're pushing through it!
July 30th, 2019 7:27am
I’m gonna have a rough FMA start for this season. Right in the middle of band camp. However, had a successful season 79! My division 3% marching band got their first medal! 3rd place in finals! Woohoo!
July 30th, 2019 11:52am
I don't know how I will do, I'm going on an Alaskan cruise in the middle of the season and won't have any internet for a week.
Director of Stetson Marching Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary Stetson Showband (ENCORE BoD)
Canada Corps (CLASS BoD)
Alberta X Winterguard (LEGS BoD)
Maple Leaf Percussion (DLTG BoD)
July 30th, 2019 3:24pm
Your phone should still work when you're in port unless you go into Canada.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
July 31st, 2019 6:57pm
So, I noticed on the schedule that Drum Corps Global is officially disbanding after many active years. This both concerns and terrifies me. As I am sure that other leagues are struggling with inactivity... I myself have been fairly inactive the past few weeks... I would hope that people know they are always welcome to ENCORE! and our affiliate leagues. I only recently had the pleasure to take over administrative directions of these leagues and we are trying to be far more active. Please try this is your own leagues and we can hope some will become more lively! Recruit at your schools! In your own bands! Many kids ask me about marching band games and none know of this! We must advertise this more!
On a less depressing yet still saddening note- we are halfway through band camp here at New Prairie... and I just realized it’s my last one. Sometime this year, hopefully at state finals, I’m gonna step off for the last time with this ensemble and play that Alma Mater... which today as I heard it all the memories of five years came back to me... and play for the last time with New Prairie Bands, this band that has been my life for five years. How can it be possible that 5 years have passed?
H. Kelley
Black Knights D&BC | Director
Phantom Regiment D&BC '21 Contra
Casper Troopers D&BC '22 Bari | Euph
July 31st, 2019 8:22pm
Even though I'd never been in DCG, I'm here to pay my respects for the active members who moved or switch into another league.
Blobfish90 Director of
Atlantic Volt DBC (Est. S75)
37 Liberators(Est.S75)
Emerald Swift (Est. S77)
Nutmeg Rangers MB (Est. S75)
August 1st, 2019 12:28am
@scooter92011 I'm actually from Canada, so the only port I'll be able to use my phone in is Victoria
Director of Stetson Marching Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary Stetson Showband (ENCORE BoD)
Canada Corps (CLASS BoD)
Alberta X Winterguard (LEGS BoD)
Maple Leaf Percussion (DLTG BoD)
August 1st, 2019 1:12am
It is too bad. While CLASS is the original and longterm dominant league, it's always more fun when there are other leagues giving us a real challenge. Its funny seeing a NEC because the North-East Conference was actually the first league I was part of before leagues existed the way they do today and that's what ultimately became CLASS early on. League competition is usually healthy for both leagues and CLASS membership actually pursued the formal formation of leagues for this very purpose and it changed the game.
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
August 1st, 2019 10:47am
I'll be campaigning and raising money and influence this season. lets hope for the best :)
write music. Play music. Love music.
August 2nd, 2019 9:10am
Stampede which cruise line? Most cruise lines now offer a "not so expensive" internet plan on board that allows for text, email and browse service. Just no streaming.
Wondermint Rainbow Performance Ensemble (Est. S - 74)
Wondermint Rainbow Cavaliers (Est. S - 75)
Wonderment Rainbow Silks and Spinners (Est. - 75)
Wonderment Rainbow Rhythm (Est. - 76)
August 2nd, 2019 11:04am
Ahhh, didn't think about that Stamp.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
August 2nd, 2019 12:19pm
The line is Norwegian, but I think it might be nice just to take a little break.
Also, I do not understand how my guard is still in Div II when I scored high enough I could've medalled in Div I last season
Director of Stetson Marching Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary Stetson Showband (ENCORE BoD)
Canada Corps (CLASS BoD)
Alberta X Winterguard (LEGS BoD)
Maple Leaf Percussion (DLTG BoD)
August 2nd, 2019 3:31pm
Lack of participation is probably why you are still in D2
Vano Highschool CG (Est. 65)
Opal HS Marching Knights(Est. 65)
Ferox (Est. 65)
Hartford Sound (Est. 66)
August 2nd, 2019 10:32pm
Nice Stampede! Bliss or Joy? I went on the Bliss back in November to the U.S. and British Virgin Islands.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*