June 22nd, 2018 12:23am
I just arrived home from the DCI Tour Premiere in theaters. Tonight I got the first look at what some of the corps are doing this season. In my opinion, there were some hits and some misses.
Let's start with Blue Stars. I thought that the Blue Stars came out very strong. They already sound great this season. BUT I'm not in love with their concept or the Bob the Builder costumes. To be quite honest, I'm not convinced that I saw anything in the drill or visual design that had anything to do with building - besides the work benches and a few other props - the guard with measuring tapes. It'll be interesting to see how this one plays out in the long run.
Next, Phantom performed ...... (insert deeeeep sigh here)... No offense to anyone who loves their show this season - I grew up in IL and love Phantom - but their 2018 show, so far, is a major snooze fest. I don't get their props. Visually it's a hot mess .. Yes, I know it's still early season. Based on that performance, I don't even see it making finals this year. I and everyone around me were shocked that they beat Blue Stars tonight. As my brother Nathan stated, they should have been 7th out of 6 ( think about that one).
As the show went on, Boston took the field. ... I can describe this show in one word - WOW! Boston's show was by far my favorite show of the evening. They play and march their butts off. I love their show concept. They had the most interesting drill of the night. They're going to be unstoppable after they clean up their show. WOW!
Following Boston, I believe, was Bluecoats..... To be honest, I'm not digging them this season. They should fire their visual designer. I dislike those BIG CHAIRS! I really don't understand their purpose. - it's like props for the sake of having props. When they pull out the smaller chairs and sit on them, it gave me flashbacks of Blue Devils 2009 - a show that I severely dislike. I don't like how the guard stays in the back field a lot behind the BIG ANNOYING CHAIRS. Musically, the show is fine. Visually, it's a big no thanks for me. I'm hoping that this show grows on me because I've been a huge Bluecoats fan. P.S I could barely understand what the vocalist was singing.
After Bluecoats, the Cavaliers came out on fire! I love their show. Their brass line sounds amazing - and in my opinion one of the best brass lines they've had in several years. It's not my favorite Cavies show visually, but it's much more interesting than some of the others I saw tonight. My only issue with the show is how boring parts of the slow middle section is.
Finally, after so much hype, I had high hopes for Carolina Crown. I like their show, but so far, I don't love it. Of course, their brass line is outstanding. Their percussion is excellent this season - what an intriguing and challenging book. Their ballad is probably what brought down their GE score tonight - more snooze fest 2018. For that matter, I really wasn't impressed with anyone's ballad this evening, except for maybe Boston's. Also, I didn't even know that Crown's show ended until the drum major turned around. In my opinion, they end too abruptly. It didn't feel like the ending. I was expecting more.
Overall, there are some very competitive brass lines this season as everyone already has been saying. As usual, all of these corps will need to adjust their volumes for the electronics. Some of the mics were not loud enough - some of the mics were too loud. Cavies, especially, had some very overpowering samples - at times, I couldn't even hear the corps. The only show that I love - so far - is Boston Crusader's SOS. Cavies are my second favorite at the moment. It's time to purchase another FloMarching subscription - so I can see what the West coast corps are doing in 2018.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard