August 17th, 2018 11:48pm
JStutsman, for the record, I'm not against change :-) I just believe that what you suggested wouldn't work for the way this game is designed, and I don't believe that making hosts "sweat it out" and not allowing them to accept whomever they want to host is a necessary change. Not having enough contests is an issue that has occurred off an on in this game. On the other hand, there have been seasons when we had too many events and not enough applicants - it can be hit or miss. I highly doubt that you would pass up on an applicant with 100,000 influence vs one with 100 influence - if so, you're hurting your sales. I know exactly where you're coming from because I, too, was denied for not having enough influence until I finally fixed it by taking off some seasons to increase my influence.
The accidents, busses breaking down, "ran out of food to feed the marchers," randomized issues, etc idea that you have is a decent idea - make it more realistic because things happen - but that's for a totally different game. I'd love to play it if you can design it.
I really do not understand why you believe that people should lose points for leveling up and competing. If anything, people should gain influence based on the number of people competing and their placement at competitions.
Quite frankly, I see nothing wrong with the way leagues are set up. Nevertheless, I agree that people should be able to submit an application for leagues, and at one point in the game, people DID apply for leagues and awaited approval. Why shouldn't everyone be allowed to create and/or join a league? It's always been your choice whether you want to join one. It's really not even necessary to join a league, anymore. I think it would be cool if people actually got credit for winning a league competition - like a badge or trophy. The only point of joining a league is having an event to attend and helping a league raise funds to host events (and bragging rights when your leagues beats another one)
Every so often, Alex will create FMA competitions when events are lacking on the site. I haven't seen any since I started playing on here again. These FMA sanctioned events are for everyone regardless of league and influence.
We DEFINITELY need to change the scoring system in the colorguard circuit. Many people, including myself, have been screwed out of a medal because they peaked too soon and reached 100 - thus your score starts to drop. It shouldn't even be so easy to score a 100 in colorguard. My entire staff is maxed, and now, I'm just coasting until finals. That's no fun. Changing the scoring system in the division 1 colorguard circuit is totally doable.
Some of your ideas are interesting, but they just won't work for this game. A few of your ideas for change, I deem unnecessary. It's not that I am "against" change. I'm against changes that don't make sense and could potentially ruin an already declining game. However, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
I definitely agree that we need to build up our community again, but FMA is approaching its 72nd season. Most of us never thought it would last this long. Without a stronger, more dedicated community, there's only so much we can do with the version of FMA that we have.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard