June 21st, 2018 1:25am
I don't believe MrBroek007 actually stated that we should reset the game and lose all of our data. What I believe he meant is that everyone should start a new account and compete in division 3 again. Of course, even though all of us might start a new account next season, as time goes on, there will still be players who have played longer than those who just start out.
Quite frankly, I don't want to lose my data. I don't believe there is a problem with the competition, nor do I believe that because there are players who have played longer and are "heavyweights", new players are leaving the game. New players still have a chance to compete against each other in division 3. Regardless of fantasy or reality, no group starts at the top. Every group has to work their way up the competition ladder, and to catch up, it takes work and dedication. If you aren't willing to dedicate yourself each season - clicking your rehearsal buttons every 6 hours, fundraising, creating events, and developing rehearsal strategies that work for you - you aren't willing to play the game just as everyone who sits at the top of division 1 has for several seasons. Thus, I do not agree that the main reason the game is "stale" is because new members don't have a chance to compete. They DO have a chance to compete, just not in division 1 because nobody is division 1 when they first start. The veterans of the game earned their spot.
Nevetheless, I don't have a problem with creating a new account and starting over in division 3 and racing to the top, but are we going to have this discussion 10 seasons from now when players have grown faster than others have and new members are just beginning? Will everyone be willing to start over? Will everyone even read this message?
To continue, I don't understand the league proposal. Are you suggesting that we eliminate FAME and CLASS and the other leagues that have worked to keep the game interesting for several seasons? Creating new leagues and eliminating the older ones would be completely out of the question.
In my opinion, what makes the competition stale is the lack of people communicating - not much going on in the forums, not much happening in the newly formed discord chatroom, not much on Facebook, and not having real-time chat in the game. Furthermore, it's fair to mention that there isn't much to the game. There is only so much clicking, fundraising, and event creating one can do before the game becomes stale. That's why I have tried to come up with ideas to keep people interested in the site, such as the judging game that many have found interesting and enjoy to do. We used to have a finals or preseason "parade" where groups could perform and compete. That's why we have Masters of FMA - to keep the competition and game fun and interesting, instead of just "click click click" every 6 hours. To me, it's not a matter of starting over. We've simply exhausted ideas, and we need more people to contribute to the forum and chat. There always will be heavy weights and new members, and there always will be people coming and going for various reasons. Although it would be interesting to see how the heavyweights stack up against the new members in division 3, staring over will not change the competition for long term.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard