August 6th, 2018 6:19pm
OC Championships watchin some drum corps
Open Class Corps so far in one sentence or less.
Heat Wave: Makin the trip to DCI Championships, woot, really good run!
Raiders: Enjoyed the show, Beowulf is one of my favorite reads, Interesting to see it on the field, finally.
Cold Cadets (CC!): What a good birthday present indeed, the stadium is packed! (P.S. someone yelled happy birthday to someone before they started)
Shadow: THAT PERCUSSION SECTION THOUGH, they played some notes! Everyone did, major improvement from the regional at the center of the earth (or whatever it was), had me some good ole goosebumps at the end of it.
I’m only four shows in and I’m hyped AF for the rest.
(hopefully the rest happens) #weatherdelay