April 19th, 2018 7:25pm
Last week, the Board of Directors of BPAA announced that the 4 ensembles of BPAA would not compete in Season 69 and return in Season 70. After receiving feedback from members and staff, the BoD has reversed their decision and will compete in Season 69 in full force. We feel like we can improve just as much competing as we could taking a season off to retool. Show announcements will be coming this weekend.
Director for:
Bluegrass Regiment D&BC- D1 CLASS
Commonwealth Arts Acad. HS Band -D1 ENCORE!
Wildcat Winter Guard-D1 LEGS
Wildcat Indoor Percussion Ensemble -D1
April 19th, 2018 8:14pm
YES! Was really bummed when you announced otherwise. Its always nice to see competitors in D1. Good luck this season and next
Alexander Morales
The Panthers Drum and Bugle Corps- CLASS
FMA Hall of Fame Committee Co-Founder
FMA Commentator
Former FAME President
April 20th, 2018 1:04am
Awesome news, with more groups becoming active, veterans coming back and increased activity I think next season is going to be epic!
Re:Sound Collective - 2x D1 Bronze, 1x D2&D3 Champ
Excelsior Winds - 3x D1 Silver, 2x D1 Bronze
Antiphony - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D2 Champ
conNexus - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D1 Bronze