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League of Unspecified Identity
Hello to all the influential FMA players out there.

Yes, you, with influence that's over 9,000.

The League of Unspecified Identity has reset our membership and we need to fill our ranks.

For those in the know, Unspecified was at one time FMA's largest and most influential league; a premier league for only the most influential and prestigious performance ensembles in all of fantasy marching land, and it still is.

Season 64 was spent dusting off a few things and kicking some tires, and I have come to a realization through this process: I don't need you to join my league. I can create profitable events with Unspecified alone.

Yes, Unspecified is that influential. We fill stadiums alone.

However, the league is more fun with your participation. Now is the time to kick your current league to the curb and join the most influential league there is and ever was: Unspecified.

Message me for an invite.

UNSP-Corps: http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/league/13
UNSP-Band: http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/league/14
UNSP-Guard: http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/league/15
UNSP-Drums: http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/league/16
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Are you over 9,000?

Now is the time to choose the greatest league that is or ever was: Unspecified.

Message me for an invite.
Detroit Parks & Recreation