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My recent life
As I no doubt know you all have noticed, I have been very absent for a long time. This semester turned out to be much more of a challenge for me than I had expected. And there's a couple of reasons for that.

For one, my classwork is nearly crippling at this point, with the amount of work I have to do for music theory. Two, I've had to get some mental help for some underlying issues, which have hurt me in school and in personal life.

The third one, however, is the main reason I'm here. For the last 8 weeks, I've been pledging Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. My colony is in Phase Three of the of the colony process, and we are getting chartered tonight. It's been a long journey and a long process, but we're almost done. In approximately 12 hours, I will be a Sinfonian. I'm so honored and excited to be joining this brotherhood, and I know that there are many of you on this site who are also Sinfonian, and I cannot wait to be your brothers.
Connor Buckley - Executive Director - White Star Org.

White Star - CLASS
White Star Cadets - ENCORE
Illumination - FLAG
Lithium Indoor - DRUMS founder

Tennessee... Where your thermometer and calendar often disagree.
FMA HoF Member
I want to insight some good conversation so I won't Google what this is:

Care to enlighten those of us who don't know what this is? Do tell? What is this Sonfonian thing you're talking about?
12 years later
I was gonna ask the same thing but I didn't want to sound dumb lol.
Tyler Brown
Red Kingsmen FAME BoD
The Duts
Golden Goats Marching Band ENCORE BoD
Scorch Color guard
I know I am ignorant of many things so I have no problem being the one to ask lol
12 years later
It's a Fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, A Sinfonian is what the brothers are referred to. There are a lot of active chapters in the US, and there is a list of Famous Sinfonians that also happen to be renowned musicians. http://winthrop.sinfonia.org/famous-sinfonians

Long Story short, we're a Music Fraternity, "Sinfonia" is basically Italian for "Symphony", or German, I don't remember, one of the founding fathers came up with this name after a trip to Germany as far as I recall, so the fact the two words sound similar is no coincidence.

Anyone in a university or school with an active chapter can join, not just music majors or minors, in my pledge class, I was the only Music Major in it.

There are other Music Fraternities also.
Tennessee... Where your thermometer and calendar often disagree.
FMA HoF Member
OAS AAS LLS!!! So proud to finally call myself a brother of the Sigma Xi chapter, and call you my brother!
Connor Buckley - Executive Director - White Star Org.

White Star - CLASS
White Star Cadets - ENCORE
Illumination - FLAG
Lithium Indoor - DRUMS founder

Oh ok lol I thought it kinda sounded like a frat or something. Also was definitely thinking it sounded just like symphony. Well grats on the completion of your initiation!
12 years later
You should totally join if you're at a school where there's a chapter. The brotherhood is amazing to be a part of!
Connor Buckley - Executive Director - White Star Org.

White Star - CLASS
White Star Cadets - ENCORE
Illumination - FLAG
Lithium Indoor - DRUMS founder

I am not currently taking classes anywhere lol but if I was I'd definitely look into it. Not sure if I'd join anyway (due to lack of spare time that I would be willing to give up for a frat) but I think it'd be cool to learn more about.
12 years later
Congrats on becoming a brother in PMA! All Hail! I was initiated into the Alpha Gamma chapter (University of Kentucky) in November of 2008... hard to believe it's been nearly ten years.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88