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Falcon Regiment Announces Season 59 Program
War Never Changes

In the upcoming season, Falcon Regiment sets out to explore the theme of War with both familiar and new music to the marching field. Whether war is an ancestral aspect of human nature, or a socio-cultural circumstance, one thing remains clear - war never changes.

Selections include:

• Main Theme (from Fallout 3) - Inon Zur
• Battle Music - David Holsinger
• Dao Zai Fan Ye - Christopher Tin
• Mars, the Bringer of War (from The Planets) - Gustav Holst
• Main Theme (from Fallout 4) - Inon Zur

Join us on the field this season, and don't forget to sign up for our show, the Soaring Sounds Invitational on March 13th!
Continuum (Resigned)