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LIve Streaming
SO I recently started live streaming League of Legends game-play through twitch.tv. If anyone is interested in having a good chat with me and enjoying some fun filled League of Legends games, come stop by my stream! I'd love to have the best community I've found on the internet help my stream grow by watching and making it more fun, so stop by and say hello! (in order to chat you do need a twitch account which takes 2 seconds if you sign in with facebook lol)

Hope to see you guys in the chat! Stream has a webcam on at all times so you'll see me as I react and interact with chat! I'll post on this forum again later when I plan to go live! I love you guys and hope you can find time in your busy schedules to come stop by and have some fun!

12 years later
ok sweaty :)
Continuum (Resigned)
hahaha thanks for stopping by! Was a lot of fun playing with you lol. I'll be streaming tomorrow night as well!

(well, tonight at this point? xD)
12 years later
Stream is starting around 8 est tonight! Hope to see some folks there!
12 years later