September 25th, 2016 7:27pm
Hello, directors, I've come up with a new idea for FAME vs. CLASS.
Each week, the top 20 corps from FAME and the top 20 corps from CLASS will represent their leagues in daily battles to earn points towards their league's weekly total. DIvisions are eliminated, and placement is based on how you score each day. I will rank all 40 corps based on their daily scores and assign a point value for each placement. For instance, the corps that has the highest score for the day will receive 25 points for that day. The 2nd highest score receives 23; the third highest scoring corps receives 20 points.
4th highest - 17
5th highest - 15
6th highest - 14
7th - 13
8th - 12
9th - 11
10 - 10
11 - 9
12 - 8
13 - 7
14 - 6
15 -5
19 and below only receives 1 point.
If you haven't already done it, try to apply to as many events as possible. More events means more oportunities to score points for your league.
If you are not one of the top 20 corps in your league after week 1, you still have a chance to bump a league mate from the top 20. I base the top 20 simply off of your high score. I'll be watching to see if anyone drops out of the top 20. I believe, this will give the rehearsers a chance to bump nonrehearser out of the top 20.
After week 1, The Golden Knights, Carolina Royals, and Dark Knights are the top 3 scorers.
The Golden Knights had a perfect week winning 25 points at 5 events for a total of 125; Carolina Royals scored 115; Dark Knights scored 100.
CLASS is leading with 761 vs FAME's 713.
To view the full scoresheet, copy and paste the link below. I uploaded an Excel file to OneDrive.!AqYsp918aiERgWLs1pZ2AoW96Bp8
Let week 2 begin! Check for updates on the scoresheet. I'll put in everyone's points after we get our scores today.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard