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FMA event scores?
So, is there a way to calculate the scores yourself? Since I joined, I've been wondering, like, how high do your rehearsal points have to be to get into the 90's? If someone could help me out with that, that'd be great!
the way i do my rehearsal (probably not the most efficient way) is, GE first, ensemble 2nd, and every thing else after. i generally do my GE to a certain number. like if i start at 10,000 for Visual GE ill focus my points on that till i get to like 15,000. then move on to the other captions. Influence helps a lot early season but ive seen many ppl whos director lvls are high but their influence is so low, sow having high lvl staff helps out a lot. Also when you create a show GE is harder to gain so you should spend those points on that. Picking the challenge level depends a lot on how you will get score gains. low level is early score gain but a lower overall score. and Higher challenge level later score gains but higher overall score. if you are just starting out i would not recommend going on the highest difficulty because you dont really have high level staff. i generally go 2 challenge levels under the highest difficulty. For the Director skill points start saving when you get to lvl 20 do not spend those points until you reach lvl 30 and spend on administrator. it will double the amount of influence and money you can make. REHEARS 3-4 times a day so this may very on time zone, for me im PST so when i do rehears i start around 8-10 am then later right before 5pm than again around 10-11pm before i go to sleep.
Im going all the way up
That is how i use to do it when i was very active now im just getting all of my influence and money up so i can spend it on my staff and become the very best that no one ever was.
Im going all the way up