July 3rd, 2016 7:37pm
Thank you for the links :)
Yesterday I actually got the chance to see the live webcast of the East Coast Classic. Here are some of my thoughts.
Spartans totally won their class. Though, I was surprised about how good 7th Regiment is. :) They have a nice sound, and they executed their drill well.
Jersey Surf has a decent show, too. I really liked their drill. After intermission, Crossmen came out and did their job. Their drill is freakin' cool. I like their concept, and they sound like a top 12 corps.
That leads me to who followed, Boston Crusaders. I like that they are doing music with which I am familiar. Yet, it's totally unique to modern drum corps. I was surprised that they are doing music from Man of La Mancha ( the musical based on Don Quixote de la Mancha ). I've always thought that Man of La Mancha would be a cool show for the field. I was intently listening and watching for the first half of their show. After that, I felt, they lost their way. Perhaps their show is just incomplete. It seems really thrown together. At that point, I didn't care for the writing musically or visually and believed that Crossmen had them beat, which turned out to be correct.
Phantom followed, and they came out hungry. They had me from the first big hit to the finish. Multiple times I had goosebumps. It's another Phantom classic. It might not be a championship show, but I really believe that they have something special this year. Of course, being from Alton, IL, they're one of the "hometown" favorites ;) but I'm not bias. There have been some years where I felt Phantom was boring. This season is definitely not one of them.
Of course, just when I thought my musical interest had peaked, The Cadets came out and blew it up. I loved seeing them in competition, and you can see, hear, and feel the intensity in their show design and execution. The only problem I had with their show was the awkward errors. Someone lost a helmet or sash or something. You clearly could see from the high cam, something was on the field and the corps was marching around it not to slip, I assume. It wasn't planned at all. Also, a guy kept dropping his rifle. The first time, the rifle bounced several yards, and he ran out of his spot to get it. After he recovered from the first drop, seconds later he dropped it again almost taking out some brass players. He always recovered well, but boy that was a huge distraction. I hope that, that doesn't happen during finals. Don't get me wrong; I love me some Cadets. However, ever since I have followed DCI (way back in the 90's), the Cadets are notorious for some obvious mistake in their show like someone falling or a guard member dropping at an important moment. Despite these mistakes, I was very impressed with The Cadets. I see them in the top all the way this season.
Bluecoats are so good; I barely can comment. I love how unique their show is. They sound and perform like champions. Their guard is by far the best I have seen so far this season. Already this early their guard is executing a very difficult show quite well. I just hope Bluecoats don't peak too soon. I'll be honest. I wasn't the biggest Bluecoats fan until 2005. Since then, they've never failed to come up with an original, interesting concept. I love their show this season (period).
I'm ready for Tour of Champions in Warrensburg, MO when I can be in the stands and see all the big boys battle.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard