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When will we be placed in divisions? I remember Alex saying that it's based on how much time you commit to the site or something like that...but when will we know what division we're in?
During the beta we found out the day before the first show, so I imagine it'll be around then
Director of The Wolves Musical and Visual Arts, a non-profit based out of Dacula, Georgia

Former FMA Drum Corps staff writer.
For the first season, divisions will be calculated the night before the first competitions. In the future, it will probably be earlier in the week.
Have you figured out what time the divisions will be set?
Sometime after midnight tonight.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
So... at this point what determines what division we're put in?
How often we put energy into our groups.
Ryan T. Loveless
can your division change mid-season? what qualifies that promotion?
Or demotion?

But I don't think it would be possible to change divisions. To be honest, it could be a minor flaw in the master plan, but it also supposed to represent real life. Corps, and bands don't change what class or division that are in mid season...
Ryan T. Loveless
Well, indoor groups (at least in the circuit I was in) you could. If the judges thought you weren't in the right class they would bump you down or up. Outdoor groups were all done by size though, so that didn't work.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
well for our local winterguard comps if you show to be in the wrong class, you are promoted. if a guard in some of the higher classes can't maintain a specific score, they are demoted a class.
First, divisions are influenced by the following:
- Influence
- Director Level
- Stat points
- Money

Right now there is nothing that will change your division during the season. It will remain the same. For the first season, this might cause a little bit of chaos because everyone is new. But in the future it will make sense because you'll have people that have been playing for 6 seasons in one division, and new players starting out in Division III.
Cool. Sounds pretty good.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
That makes even more sense. See I just KNEW Alex had a plan, he always does. :D
Ryan T. Loveless
The only downside to this would be if someone started out very slow to get placed in a lower division, then went all out div 1 style and would pretty much destroy everyone else.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
That would suck, but then in the next seasons, would be placed higher up.
Ryan T. Loveless
Placing higher shouldn't necessarily be a concern when you are just starting. I'm just taking a season to build up my staff, and then go at it next season. If I focused on using my energy simply for rehearsal time, then I would score well, but I would have to start all over next season. I hope that makes sense
How are divisions decided?
@trombone1994, read 7 posts up.