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USBEA League Forum
For which division (hopefully)? But you'll get it. The rehearsals will come.

A lot of people are really good and can do that really quickly, but it took me 10 seasons to get where I am. I don't know if that's bad or not, but I'm just taking my time. I think that's the best way! Lol
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
Division 3. I don't foresee moving up in divisions for several seasons still.
Marching Band: Western New York Marching Marauders (D2)
Drum and Bugle Corp: Capital Region Bugle Corps (D2)
Color Guard: Excelsior Group (D2)
Drumline: Excelsior Drums (D2)
Oh, you can make finals there. I can see a bunch of those Colonial Association groups moving up to D2. But they're stationary so they're easier to beat than other moving groups.
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
We just want to make finals, and get better each day.
Director of:
Star of Indianapolis: Season 42 Division 2 Champions
Spirit of Central
CloudScape: 15x Division 1 Champions, Season 41 Division 2 Champions

Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
You sound like every American football coach ever right there. XD

I edited caich (whatever that means) to coach
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
We're on to Cincinnati...
Marching Band: Western New York Marching Marauders (D2)
Drum and Bugle Corp: Capital Region Bugle Corps (D2)
Color Guard: Excelsior Group (D2)
Drumline: Excelsior Drums (D2)
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
Sorry, lame NFL reference. There was a post-game press conference once where that is pretty much all the coach kept saying. The "getting better every day" made me think of it, as another very football-y thing to say
Marching Band: Western New York Marching Marauders (D2)
Drum and Bugle Corp: Capital Region Bugle Corps (D2)
Color Guard: Excelsior Group (D2)
Drumline: Excelsior Drums (D2)
Haha! That's great! Are you a Cincy fan?

Sorry, Deburavel, I know it's the wrong football, but I'm a very sportsy person so I see these things. Lol
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
Yea, good old Bellicheck...

And nope, I'm a Lions fan, despite growing up in Bills territory. You?
Marching Band: Western New York Marching Marauders (D2)
Drum and Bugle Corp: Capital Region Bugle Corps (D2)
Color Guard: Excelsior Group (D2)
Drumline: Excelsior Drums (D2)
Don't worry, OU's Bob Stoops does the same...

I'm not a big NFL guy, but because I love Roy Williams, Dallas. But then, the Vikings have AD, so I like them too! Then the Eagles are starting 3 former OU offensive players so they're amazing. But I like the lions because my mom grew up in Detroit and they have the NFL's coolest uniforms... Just pick a team in the NFC and I'll tell you why I like them. Lol (except Seattle)
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
Hope everyone's having a good season! Nice job to everyone in the USBEA regional yesterday! Very pleased with the Marauders solid 3rd place finish (and winning the Winds caption) in the D3 contest.
Marching Band: Western New York Marching Marauders (D2)
Drum and Bugle Corp: Capital Region Bugle Corps (D2)
Color Guard: Excelsior Group (D2)
Drumline: Excelsior Drums (D2)
I am! Thank you! Would you guys like me to attempt write-ups? I did some for ICE last season (and I probably will this season), but I think that I can simplify them so that they're quicker and easier for me so that I'll actually do them. Lol
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
Sure, if you want! I've toyed with the idea of doing write ups for my ensembles (beginning, mid-season, end of season recap sort of stuff) but there doesn't seem to be much of it going on and I didn't want to be the odd man out.
Marching Band: Western New York Marching Marauders (D2)
Drum and Bugle Corp: Capital Region Bugle Corps (D2)
Color Guard: Excelsior Group (D2)
Drumline: Excelsior Drums (D2)
Okay! And usually people don't do it for individual ensembles, but I know LCA has gotten back into it for BoA and I like doing this sort of thing.
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)

Division 1
Spirit of Central - 81.205
Norman North Marching Band - 71.425

All Captions - Spirit of Central

Division 2
Avery Viking Marching Band - 68.820
Pride of Harrah Marching Band - 58.340

All Captions - Avery Viking Marching Band

Division 3
Marching Eagles - 62.240
HHS - 61.300
Western New York Marching Marauders - 56.845
Pride of the Valley - 52.605
Carmel Wooden Arrow HS Eagle Marching Band - 52.340
Touch of Class - 51.555
Warriors - 51.215
Sundown Marching Band - 51.125
Legio X Frenetis - 49.155
Viking Band - 47.486
McQueen Marching Band - 47.060
Mighty Sound of the South - 46.350

Winds - Western New York Marching Marauders
Percussion, Visual, Guard - HHS
General Effect - Marching Eagles
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
Just a quick correction, Western New York Marching Marauders won the Winds caption in D3 ;)
Marching Band: Western New York Marching Marauders (D2)
Drum and Bugle Corp: Capital Region Bugle Corps (D2)
Color Guard: Excelsior Group (D2)
Drumline: Excelsior Drums (D2)
You even said that. Dang it. I need to be a little slower. Lol
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
(username) 99008903 requested that I inform you of their marching band's, the wildcats', contest on February 3rd. This late into the season, it is rather difficult to find contests if your schedule isn't full, so here's one!

Welcome them into our league as well!
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
Hello everyone. Im a new member here in this league. If u have heard from earlier, my username is 99008309 and Im hosting a marching band competition called the wildcat classic on February 3rd. There are 14 spots left. I hope to see some of you guys sign up. Thank You
Gold Coast Drum and Bugle Corps, Gold Coast B Drum and Bugle Corps, Gold Coast C Drum and Bugle Corps- CLASS
Gold Coast Marching Ensemble - ENCORE
Gold Coast Winterguard - INS
Gold Coast Indoor - R