December 18th, 2016 6:55pm
Alright, so the first part of the LEGS Timeless Higher Interdivisional Good Hand Masters Trophy is like it was last time I tried doing it.
Any LEGS event or event hosted by a member of LEGS has this point system going on,
3 for attendance
+5 for bronze in Division
+6 for silver in Division
+7 for gold in Division
Any Non-LEGS shows during the week.
Top Five in Division: 3pts
Top Five Overall: 4pts
Medaling in Division: 5pts
Placing Overall: 6pts
Winning Overall: 7pts
so, the most points anyone could've gotten in that part for the first week, would've been 60 (3+7=10, 6 days) (since there were members of LEGS hosting events on two of the days outside of the League Schedule)
Whatever that total is, one part of the Trophy score, then the second part is total score divided by 5, like, let's say we got a score of 75.000, that's divided by five *getting my calculator* which is 15, that gets added to first part.
The third part of the trophy score, is overall placement within LEGS regardless of Division. since there are 23 total active groups thus far, whoever's in first place will get 23 points, second 22, third 21, etc.
I think really the only different thing would be the Regional Trophy Scoring, anywho, here is the week 1 recap. Left chart based on official FMA Score, right chart is the trophy score.
Bone app the teeth