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My Official Goodbye
Hello again everybody,

You may know me as the founder of what used to be two very successful leagues known as ROYAL, and REGAL and a commentator for FMA. After my sudden absence, both leagues were left in deplorable conditions despite the hard work that the board of directors put forward to ensure their successes. And for that I apologize. Today, in light of the ten season anniversary of ROYAL's founding, I have come to properly say goodbye to FMA.

FMA was something I loved dearly, but after some soul searching I discontinued my involvement with the community. The way I left, without leaving notice or saying goodbye, was indecent, but saying goodbye and folding properly was not something I was looking forward too... My absence can only be explained by a reprioritization of what I wanted to spend my time doing. Unfortunately, FMA did not make the cut. I always swore to myself that I wouldn't give up on my leagues or the community and that I had a responsibility to uphold, but I need not the be the one to tell you that in those respects, I failed miserably. Looking back I realize now that I have become the very thing I was fighting against. For that, I apologize.

The memories made here, and the people I've connected with have really changed me as a person. It may just be a game, but I've actually pulled some life lessons out of my experiences here. I guess it goes to show that the most amazing things can be found in the most unlikely of places.

So... This is it.... Thank you so much for everything guys. I'm sorry about the way things turned out, but it was great being apart of this community for however short a time. I wish I had something more impactful to say, but the summation of my feelings over all of this isn't something I can do easily, so I guess I'll leave it at goodbye...

Signing off,

Michael O'Leary
Michael O'Leary
Founder and President, ROYAL
Founder and President, REGAL
Board of Directors, BoA
Board of Directors, MGC LC
Director of Bands, Royal Spades
FMA Commentator
bye Michael--thank you for what you brought to FMA and best of luck in the future!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Hey Michael. Bst wishes with your path. Could you turn your leagues over to someone of anyone is interested in maintaining them?