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How did you get here?
Since CTrain and Solaris did this, I guess I'll... add... to the history. (I added a third page!)
well, over 20 years ago my mom and dad... wait... no, I clicked a few buttons, typed a few words, and BOOM. yeah, those two (CTrain and Solaris) got me into the game, mainly to join the Cartesian Drumline Circuit, which I thought was funny because (X,Y,Z) are the coordinates for a 3 dimensional Cartesian plane and the founder was XYZ Independent (I'm guessing that was a nod to me like Lunaria was to Solaris, or the Mooninites, or both, #BROmies), and now I'm helping someone apply calculus to the stars in space... anyway, CDLC folded a while back and well, yeah. I continued on, supported them and my other friends who got into the game and well, onto the questionaire.

What season did you join?
Season 24.

How many seasons have you spent campaigning for influence and/or money?
Uh... a few I guess.

Do you host shows?
YES. Into the Cube for the DC, Line the Field for MB, The Drum Circle and the Square Dance, for well, you probably know, HOWEVER, that all changed into the Maniacal Mathmatical Mayhem, I even put some Pies in there because well Pi sounds like Pie, it's a math pun. which I tend to add into each of these statements.

How many groups have you created over your time on FMA? Or, do you have B accounts?
No I don't, but, it seems like there was a lot of... something... with... something and... well... anyways....

After how many seasons did you earn your first DI Finals appearance?
I had a D1 semifinals appearance... but, I had a number of D2 and D3 finals appearances.

After how many seasons did you earn your first DI top six finish?
Okay, D3 top six, first time, was... season 31, Drum Circlers got 4th place in D3, I wasn't active with the other lines, because I was helping my roomies with their CDLC thing, then I thought I could be active with the other groups, so, I put them officially into play. The next season, I had three groups in D3, and one group in D1... yeah...

After how many seasons did you earn your first DI Medal?
D2 medal happened in first with the Drumline in Season 41, show called "Pi to the Face" it was my sixth active season with the group, though, chronoligcally it was 16 seasons later. Then I got four silver medals in D2 at somepoint after that.

After how many seasons did you earn your first DI Championship?
See previous question.
About 3.14% of people will try to eat this post
The Cube Drillers (FAME)
The Field Liners (BoA)
The Square Dancers (LEGS)
The Drum Circlers (PERC)
(nana nana) x4 MATHMAN! MATHMAN!
he cant be that thick in the head can he? it has to be straight up denial...he cant possibly see what he has done as just "normal campaigning" lol
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
I saw FF's post and just rolled my eyes... It's just a "whatever" kind of thig at this point. We know he is wrong. He knows it, too. LOL !!!
12 years later
Hi Strad ... LOL !!!

Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
What's the matter ff? Nobody to talk to over in the maoma forum?
FMA *Hall of Fame*

CLASS Board of Directors

Carolina Royals - 16X Division 1 World Champions (DC)