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Easy win for....
I wouldn't even care if I had to climb back up through the division ranks. It's all good. How do we make it happen, no idea
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
We should probably just start a poll and release it until the beginning of finals suggesting the idea of a reboot and then email the results to Alex to every possible way of communication with him. He could probably accomplish a reset right after finals. It's possibly the most feasible fix and shouldn't take him long.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
Well how did they figure out the divisions the first season? I know there was a previous version of FMA but did stats transfer over to this new one?
Connor Buckley - Executive Director - White Star Org.

White Star - CLASS
White Star Cadets - ENCORE
Illumination - FLAG
Lithium Indoor - DRUMS founder

Just based on how well you rehearsed up to the time divisions are drawn.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
Ohh okay, that's pretty smart actually
Connor Buckley - Executive Director - White Star Org.

White Star - CLASS
White Star Cadets - ENCORE
Illumination - FLAG
Lithium Indoor - DRUMS founder

Fast Forward, Inc. is OK with the idea of a reboot if all the groups get to keep their influence. We wouldn't want to see the great fan base that Fast Forward, Inc. has cultivated be lost. The activity would greatly miss such devoted fans !!!

LOL !!!
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
On a serious note ... how exactly would a reset/reboot improve the game if the existing glitches were not eliminated. It would take a complete identification & review of the current issues in order to achieve an improved FMA game.
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
You would just have to get over that. A hard restart means everything goes.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
As scooter said, reboot means reboot. Of course this would hurt some players more than others (FF, me, kstove, gcurrier, etc). To be honest the glitches wouldn't resurface for a number of years... season one of this FMA began five and a half years ago. If we don't have to worry about most glitches again until 2020, I don't think that is such a bad thing.

There is always some amount of chatter that the top of the game is too difficult for new players to catch up to... well, this would really let us see if the top players are there due to longevity, or skill.

This would improve the game inherently. Right now the most major issues are that scores hit a wall at some point in time and can't improve, giving lower performing groups an opportunity to catch up (this is why my color guard doesn't win literally every season by the way). The first color guard 100 didn't happen until season 21, two and a half years after FMA 2.0 launched. The first glitch (my 99.995) didn't happen until season 27, nearly three and a half years after FMA 2.0 launched.

Honestly, I would sign up for this reboot in a heartbeat. I think it would improve the game tremendously, even if NONE of the glitches went away. We can honor history by keeping whatever medals we have earned and not resetting the forums. Everything else should go.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
It is interesting that a few player's have come up with the idea of a Reboot & now it is a forgone conclusion in some of these player's minds that this should just happen. I am actually fine with whatever happens as long as Alex is OK with it as well.
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
My only concern is about money for hosting. Like I would assume players would just start with the money they have, but would league money stay so we can have functioning leagues immediately?
Connor Buckley - Executive Director - White Star Org.

White Star - CLASS
White Star Cadets - ENCORE
Illumination - FLAG
Lithium Indoor - DRUMS founder

It's interesting to me that FF is so far the only person taking potshots at what is right now no more than an idea we have claimed to like. The most definitive action anybody has actually proposed was "create a poll." Probably that has something to do with the fact that FF is the only one here who would need multiple years to recover because he relies so heavily on influence farming. Me simply saying "I would sign up for this reboot in a heartbeat" doesn't really jive with FF's interpretation.

cj that is a reasonable point about money about an issue I hadn't yet considered. I guess if this did happen, it could be treated a little bit like a new season and players could keep money. Since leagues aren't people it could make sense to let them operate as normal.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
Just because a lot of people seem to agree makes it far from a foregone conclusion! LOL first and foremost being the fact that we have little ability to none to make it happen. Version 1 had its powerhouses, of which I truly was not one, that suddenly lost everything in version 2,but it kept the game fresh and has taken a very long time to get to the issues we encounter. Some of today's powerhouse's may even take it as their opportunity to exit as did version 1 to 2, others would carry on the tradition in a new and different way as did version 1 to 2 and even greater amounts of fresh powerhouses would emerge in the new version AGAIN as has been shown in FMA history. Even if not one thing changed, it would give new life to the game. Agree or not history shows that. Again, the biggest issue is its nothing but a thought without Alex. I stand to lose as much as the next guy if not more, but for the sake of keeping this going strong and not making it obsolete, isn't it truly one of the best ideas going?
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
If the Reboot idea were to even be considered, then all prior gains in Staff & Influence would be a greater loss than anything the groups achieved off of just rehearsing. I would support the idea of keeping all current Influence levels for all player's with the reduction of Director Level & Staff back to beginning levels (This would temporarily reduce scores back to lower levels & keep the game from going obsolete). As a result, groups would NOT be penalized for their prior decision to actually build up their groups overall strength which resulted in deferring Score & Medal gains into the future (I.E. If groups want to be able to maintain Medals for their rehearsal efforts then Influence should be maintained for groups that put their efforts toward developing their groups & forgoing Hourly Energy that would have been available to rehearse & raise their score as well as win Medals).

I say this because of what has been said by other player's in this discussion that want their Medal Counts to be maintained. However, if the FMA game 2.0 was wiped clean of all prior achievements & were to begin from zero I would have no problem in starting over again.

Just don't penalize the Fast Forward, Inc. groups because they have a well developed fan base that is willing & able to ensure both current & future success. LOL !!!
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
A different option would be to see if Alex could recalibrate the FMA version 2.0 game to simply start with lower beginning scores (I.E. Beginning scores could be 25 vs. the current 45 or even Zero if you want a very reduced scoring game going forward). This would result in the game not having Perfect 100 scores being achieved by groups. Only groups with Fully ranked up Staff, High Director levels, & Influence would be able to eventually score Perfect scores. This would take many years before scores would again approach the 100 range.
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
Regarding your second post FF that's been my ideal solution for a long time. I strongly feel that if we simply lowered the floor, that would make it nearly impossible for a recurrence of the glitches that we've seen. Obviously the IBEX glitch is a different beast. But if everyone started with a 40, or a 35, or a 30 or even a 25, it would be just about impossible to max out scores even with maximum staff. Only color guard has ever seen a max score. This would also likely open up gaps so that the top six groups aren't commonly finishing within a point or so, which looks ridiculous even if it's not a functional problem (except in color guard, where it really is a functional problem).

If the Medals were wiped clean people would still talk about their history in their sig, but to be honest I wouldn't even care about giving up my Medals in an official capacity. I just want the competition to be worthwhile again.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
I completely agree with your last post corndogshuffle.
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
I still say clean slate worked before it can work again. Keeping any category already puts some at an unfair advantage whether it be staff or influence. Medals are only a historic marker and hold no weight which in my opinion is a flaw making the game unrealistic, but that's another story. If you start picking what should stay and what should go, well of course someone is going to pick what benefits them. If it starts off at ground zero, no one can say it's unfair because we all will be in the same boat.
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
I can live with a fresh start gcurrier. Now we just need to figure out a way to make it a reality.
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
I've messaged several people, but do not know what has happened with the whole DII thing. I was DII one season, then DI the next, and then back to DII last season. Still don't know about this season. At some point I lost all my Director Level "points" and I do not know what happened. It takes all the fun out of it when I'm put back in DII. What do I need to do to get this fixed?