August 1st, 2010 7:15pm
Yea, that poor guy will always be known for that and not the many great performances..
I tell the kids to be prepared to do your best, you don't want to end up on Americas Funniest Videos.
Thank God my solos were before VHS or there would be some horrible moments of me.
73- horn instructor says at the gate..." man I really wish you could put a ritard on the solo in closer"...and so I did, it was beautiful musically however since the rest of the corps was still marching, the drill went to hell in about 2 measures...then horn instructor screams at me for doing it....hey you told me ? NO I said I wished you could, I didn't say DO IT. Lesson learned, always double check what they mean when they open their mouth. Whole corps wanted me drug tested and thats before we knew what drug testing was......< rimshot>