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Haters ?
Just like Blue Devils seem to have many haters because they are so far ahead, do we have any haters on Preciption ? Or is it just English Inflation we hear so much about?


( sarcasm light is ON )

Personally, I think it has to do with timing. How many hours ahead of the US are they when they start their season before heading to Virginia ?

Are they part of the G7 ?
Is George Hopkins part of their staff ?
Have they paid Alex off ?

grumble rumble bla bla bla

WAtch, they will want the Hashmarks repainted at the next show..........

( all in fun people, just being a wiseass )
- 5 hours

- no, but we do have the backing of George Osborne....

- consults occasionally (some good ideas, some bad: we take what we like)

- no (it would cost to much, we aren't made of money)

- and of course we want the hashmarks repainted, how can you do a decent show without that?
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

I thoroughly enjoyed this topic. lol
We need a drum major with a spear or something :-)
To me it seems that this is another attempt by the British Crown to dominate America. They tried it at the world cup and failed, and now they are taking their vengeance out on us in the one thing we should have no problems winning: Drum Corps.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
Unlike our national team, whom I fully support even though they didn't do well at this year's cup, Perception D&BC has no problems when it comes to playing as a team, maybe that is our secret.... :P
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Lol, perhaps that is the case. But I do like my paranoid version of events.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
So, does this mean Perception IS reality ?
No, Perception DOMINATES reality.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
This discussion topic is hilarious
With BDEGGS making the leap to 2nd place, Precp might end up with a little egg on it's face.

@Silversun....regarding the hashmarks: Many of us who marched in prehistoric days did so with nothing but sidelines, endzone lines and a 50 yard line. So of us were good at it, me ? not so much.

Grumble mumble gripe and moan

< insert rant about G horns and heritage and tradition >

@Prof - WAtch, they will want the Hashmarks repainted at the next show..........

lol Hoppy has done this multiple times.. I remember in 98 we (BD) had a show with Cadets at one of their two home shows.. we were pretty much set up to lose from the beginning, we were housed the farthest away, we were the first div 1 corps to go on AND we had a clinic that day at the stadium. Anyways, after we go on, we see Hoppy and his minions heading to the field, to repaint the hashes bigger. lol we ended up winning the show though, it was pretty awesome
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I used to love pi$$ing matches with Hop on the old days of RAMD. When he went into his pontification against rifles on the field because of something Rosie O'donnald said, I asked him if he would stop following the flag code and not guard the American Flag. I think he got a little upset. He sometimes speaks before thinking things through.......I wonder if I'm related to him ?
@Prof LOL
That depends.. do you write in blogs about everything in your life, have multiple failed relationships and want to change everything about the activity you love, and then want to change the changes you've already made just so that it will benefit your group the most?

If yes... then you probably are. lol
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
ummm NO, but I must say you pretty much nailed everything I dislike about him except you missed the ( whats it called ? ) EST development ?

cire, sir, you may drink from my beer cooler any day

One of the best times on RAMD was when one of his menions who was a professional clarinet played thought he would come on RAMD and set us straight about Hop.

Talk about chewed up and spit out like day old road kill

It is always so fun to read these topics.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I thought I'd just share this because you can't really hate on this at all. Kickin' it old school! :)

Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
That was a guy from the Kingsmen.

This is my favorite BD moment

Oh yeah I've seen that one. Epic. :) And I knew it was Kingsmen but I thought I'd share.

Now here is another fine musical moment brought to you buy the Blue Devils. X-)

Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold