June 6th, 2015 7:46pm
Hello everyone!
It has been an awfully long time since I last posted in the forums. I mainly have focused my attention on tending to my groups and developing them to compete.
I have played for some time, back in the days of FMB and moved onto FMA before disappearing for a few years. Then I returned in Season 27 (fully in Season 28) and enjoyed being back. I had started my drum corps in MAoMA, but once I got my other groups started and later joined the Colonial Association, I left MAoMA and joined CAMA to keep it uniform (I actually never got around to telling them that was the reason for my departure, but there it is several months overdue) and have been there since Season 29 if my memory serves me right.
It has been a good 15 seasons with the CA, but it does appear I will have to take my leave. For the first time, all four of my groups qualified for the Division 1 finals in the same season and there is no question I am thrilled with what I have built. Even though they do not stand a chance to win, I'm just happy they all qualified. However, with that came the realization that my groups are ruining any competition within the Colonial Association. All of my groups were at least 10 points ahead of the next strongest CA group around finals time and I feel I am doing a disservice to fair play. So with that, I will be either considering joining a league that is more challenging for my groups or staying independent.
I would like to thank the Colonial Association for 15 seasons of supporting me and wish all those competing in those leagues the best.
I hope there are leagues interested in my groups and the possibility of what they can bring to the competition. I would prefer one that has a spot in all 4 areas, once again keeping them uniform.