August 13th, 2018 11:56pm
****************************************** Round 3 Results *******************************************
Best Brass - Madison Scouts 1995
Best Percussion - Madison Scouts 1995
Best Guard - Glassmen 1999
Best Music - Madison Scouts 1995
Best Visuals - Madison Scouts 1995 <-------barely
Best GE - Madison Scouts 1995
4th: The Colts 2001- 87.275
3rd: Boston Crusaders 2002- 94.325
2nd: Glassmen 1999 - 95.075 (AA)
1st: Madison Scouts 1995 - 96.825 (AA)
FULL RECAP ON OneDrive ---->!AtNuI6T5iGF-giwOR8KSFoWotnDO
Standings After Round 3
1st: The Cadets 1997 - 97.825 (AA)
2nd: Santa Clara Vanguard 1998 - 97.600 (AA)
3rd: Star of Indiana 1992 - 97.475 (AA)
4th: Blue Devils 1996 - 96.850 (AA)
5th: Madison Scouts 1995 - 96.825 (AA)
6th: Glassmen 1999 - 95.075 (AA)
7th: Boston Crusaders 2002- 94.325
8th: Crossmen 1992 - 94.050
9th: Blue Knights 1994 - 93.950
10th: Carolina Crown 2004 - 93.350
11th: Magic of Orlando 1996 - 92.050
12th: The Colts 2001- 87.275
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard