February 7th, 2015 4:25pm
For those of us who have corps competing in DCPI, how are your corps doing?
Both my A and Open Class corps aren't faring too well, ranked 18th and 20th. On their defense, they havent had a show in almost 3 days each, so we do expect them to rise a bit with the show improvements we have made.
Aftershock NZ, our Open Class corps is ranked in a surprising 1st going into the Southern Star Cup and will be the last corps to take the stadium tonight in Orlamdo, Fl. We hold a 2.005 lead over the second ranked corps, Ivory Brigade. In a close 3rd is Dark Knights.
FMA has a lot to be proud of in this competition as our corps currently hold the top three spots in Open Class and 4 of the top 6 corps. Another note here, DCPI has basically two leagues, CLASS and Fanfare. CLASS also continues to dominate in this circuit, as the top 3 are CLASS representatives.
Current ranks and scores are:
1 - Aftershock NZ (CLASS) 81.005
2 - Ivory Brigade (CLASS) 79.000
3 - Dark Knights (CLASS) 78.400
6 - Twilight Brigade 77.575
For the full rankings, follow this link:
If your corps is competing here, how are they doing currently?