February 6th, 2015 7:42pm
The Freakin' FCC looks Freakin' Awesome, a handful of Groups from D2 and D3, and three from D1, representing DCA, FAME, CLASS, MAoMA, REGAL, CAMA, MWC, MDC-LC, and Banon. Two spots remain for The Freakin' FCC.
The Forces of the Season 41 Living Room Crusade have gathered from the Three Divisions, representing MMB-LC, BRAVO!, BoA, Banons, and BKnees. There is room for four more units to embark in this Crusade.
The Lunar Alignment is upon us, witnesses of this event come from SWG, MGC LC, USGA, ROTC, FLAG, BanonG, and CAoG. Two more can join.
Another round of Alphabet Soup, Lunaria's show last year "Captain Asia" featured an in depth culture trip. So much so, that they're making Wonton Soup for our participants, who come from DLO, ROYAL, Russia, IDEA, PEARL, BanonD, MDL-LC, and CADA. Eight bowls remain to be claimed.
2 for the FCC (DC)
4 for the Crusades (MB)
2 for the Moon (CG)
8 for Wonton soup (DL)
These spots are a First Come First Serve Basis.
Tennessee... Where your thermometer and calendar often disagree.
FMA HoF Member