February 5th, 2015 5:03pm
Wow, now that you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.
I'm a percussion guy, who also happened to study dance on top of music (which is a whole other universe), and well, that thought never really crossed my mind. To me, guard is dancing essentially, with various forms of equipment (most popularly, flags, rifles and sabres, and variants of those), while moving them around via choreography to emulate the ideas of the music (audio or live), so if one was to do a write up, talk about the intense choreography, the emotion felt from the performance of members, guard or drumline.
Whenever I did WGI, that was the focus, appropriate emoting of the music, and visual performance aspects, especially with GE being the move for the future.
So, yeah, that would be the thing. Heck, I could do a write up for the Indoor stuff, get my feet wet, see if I'll get in the water.
Anyway, interesting observation, never thought of it that way, though there are commentators who are percussionists. Guard? I don't know for sure.
It'll be interesting to see.
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