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ICE Forum
All ICE events are listed! We will have a competition each week on the first day of the week. Our championship will be on the last day of regular season.

If you are hosting a drum corps event, let me know and i'll add it to the calendar!
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
My event Mt Olympus is on April 8th, if you'd like to add them
I'm very excited for this season ICE, as we have had several great corps this last season, and I'm looking forward to see us grow!
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard
Welcome to the Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine!

Be sure to sign up for our league events if you haven't already! Still plenty of space open for our championship and regional events! :)
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
Yes welcome!

Is anyone in ICE hosting a drum corps contest and needing applicants? I haven't schedule really anything yet. Let me know!
Hey everyone, how did your division placing go? nothing changed for me.
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard
Hey! Thank you guys! Hopefully I can be competitive with you guys this season! I got started late, so we will see!
BASSic Productions:
The Lean Mean Green Fighting Machine (ICE President)
Norman North Drumline (DRUMS)
I'm d2 across the board
Hey guys, so I have a DCI camp all weekend (my first 3 day camp WOOT!) So I won't be on at all starting tomorrow afternoon.
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard
Good luck and have fun!!!
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
Thanks! I'm a bad procrastinator, so I'm knda last minute trying to make sure I'm not forgetting anything lol but I'm really looking forward to it!
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard
Who's camp is it?
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
It's the prospect corps Freedom! I am pretty much a member, we are really just waiting to be confirmed as a open class corps now. (btw if your'e not sure what prospect corps are, there is a brief explanation here http://www.dci.org/corps/list.cfm?class_id=9 and look, my corps is on that list!)
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard
If y'all are ever at a competition with the Crossmen, be sure to hit me up.
Fixed Arrow - Drum Corps
Ronald Reagan - Marching Band
Facepalm - Color Guard
Chrome Thunder - Drumline

Crossmen '15 Above and Beyond
Crossmen '16 Continuum
That's cool Kopar. Hopefully you all will be confirmed soon. What do you march?
I march trumpet Penny! and Zombieraptor, if you will be at the mustang, Ok show, I will be there, and possibly the saint louis show!
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard
Hope they make it Kopar love to see new corps coming out! Great to see Southwind coming back too
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
I did notice south wind on that list! I remember when they were in Lexington.
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
I'm really excited to march this year, it is my first year, and I am glad I get to do it despite being younger than most people when they start marching!
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard
Hey it will just give you that much more experience! I'm totally jealous
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ