January 31st, 2015 12:06pm
Haha, I thought the subject would catch your attention. OK, in FMA terminology, Rehearsal After Elimination.
Who does this? I mean, you just spent a whole dedicated season to just miss out on finals. You deserve a rest, right? Wrong! Not if you want to take advantage of every opportunity as it presents itself.
Three of my 4 A groups just bowed out of season 40. Instead of forgetting them til next season, we either continue to rehearse or fundraise until the new season begins. I think the latter is self explanatory, while you may question the reasoning behind continued rehearsals.
We understand the stat points for each caption will not carry over. What we do know is that director level, experience, influence, skill points, and money earned will carry to next season. So why not take advantage of an additional 28 hours to increase your stats. It could be that point or two you've been looking for.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you rehearse, fundraise, or just leave it til next season? Like I said earlier, all of my groups either rehearse nor fundraise, depending on our needs at the time.