July 23rd, 2010 6:37pm
i think it would be best if you can break the divisions into rounds i feel that it would give more of the competition going like wgi the break it down into rounds for each division so we dont have to compete with everyone at once until Championships week
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]
Join FMA West Combine
July 23rd, 2010 6:45pm
I see what your saying but the way it is now gives us a chance to more see how we stand competing with other groups.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
July 23rd, 2010 7:38pm
but it still would ruin the surprise if you get what i mean
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]
Join FMA West Combine
July 24th, 2010 12:01am
There is no surprise. If you want to see how you are doing, you use the stats page. =/
Founder of the IIEA
Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
July 24th, 2010 5:32pm
yeah well you know that your score is based on who you are competing against so therefore your score is the way it is
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]
Join FMA West Combine
July 24th, 2010 6:31pm
"your score is based on who you are competing against"
I'm not sure that's how it works...
July 25th, 2010 3:04am
if it is based on dci then it should thats how the real judging works
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]
Join FMA West Combine
July 25th, 2010 9:47am
That's the thing, I'm not sure the scoring system here is entirely relative to DCI's system when it comes to who you are competing with.
July 25th, 2010 11:40am
what do you mean??? like what dc im marching with
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]
Join FMA West Combine
July 25th, 2010 12:14pm
While the scoring system here does use captions just like DCI, I'm not sure the scoring system here takes into account who you are competing with when calculating your score.
July 25th, 2010 2:35pm
ok then
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]
Join FMA West Combine