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An Evenly Odd Evening of Mayhem... and Math
The Maniacal Mathmatical Mayhem (MMM) happens tonight. Five Drum Corps, Five Bands, Five Guards, and Five Drumlines, representing BRAVO!, FBOA, BMBL, IDEA, ROYAL, IAoIP, ROTC, FAME, MDC-LC, and MAoMA, will undergo a test of execution, precision, energy, entertainment, and math, lots and lots of math, at least for the judges anyway.

Twenty groups from ten leagues, let's do this.

and may the odds be ever in your favor
(Cue to scene of a parade outlined by a truck-load of timpani on the sides of the road and flaming dresses and birds).

About 3.14% of people will try to eat this post
The Cube Drillers (FAME)
The Field Liners (BoA)
The Square Dancers (LEGS)
The Drum Circlers (PERC)
(nana nana) x4 MATHMAN! MATHMAN!