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Happy New Years!
Gustav Schneider of Der Reich Blaskapelle, Mario Kostastovich of Legion Tamburo Corp, and Takeuchi Yokohama of IJD would like to wish all other directors for Marching Bands, Drum Corps, and Drumlines across all divisions a Happy New Years respectively.

And I thank you all for helping me get acclimated into the FMA community, and you know who you all are :) I swear, I now have two distinct communities I can always rely to talk to after a stressful day, the other being the FB page community for Hetalia....and that discussion can be continued another day.

Anywho, I wish everyone a Happy New Years again and God Bless.
Invictus - CLASS
Der Reich - ENCORE (BoD)
Kanpeki - DRUMS
Happy New Years to you as well!
Arsenal Drum & Bugle Corps
Happy new years to all!
Thunderbirds Drum and Bugle Corps (ICE)
Aviators Marching Band (BoA)
Aviators Drumline (PERC)
Aviators Guard (ROTC)
Happy new years
Alexander Morales

The Panthers Drum and Bugle Corps- CLASS
FMA Hall of Fame Committee Co-Founder
FMA Commentator
Former FAME President