December 31st, 2014 2:01am
Technically the cut off would be 7:59 PM Eastern Time the day of the event (before the daily scores are posted). After the scores are posted for that event at 8 PM, a host can accept you if there are still spots available. Though, you will not have competed. So, it's pointless for a host to do that.
BAMUSIC, you get influence by rehearsing and leveling up. You're still very new and your drum corps only has 88 influence. The higher the influence a group has, the more tickets a host will sale. If someone has set the ticket price for the event very high, more people will pay the higher price to see the higher influenced groups.
You also can start a campaign to raise your influence, but I don't recommend it. You gain influence naturally by rehearsing and leveling up. If you want to be competitive, campaigns take energy away from you every hour; so, it's energy that you could be using for rehearsals. Of course, it's your choice. I don't worry about influence, because all it's good for is to get accepted quicker into events. Having high influence is more of a benefit to my competitors helping them raise more money at their events that they can apply towards staff upgrades ;) You do get the extra bonus at the beginning of the season. For instance, if I have 8000 influence, I get 800 points to apply to my captions during the audition process, but it's a small bonus.
Another reason that you could be declined is that some hosts will do a first come, first serve basis. When the event fills up, the remaining applicants are automatically declined. If you applied "late", the host might have accepted someone who applied sooner than you did.
Like saxophoneman stated, most groups have their events created and start to apply to events the evening of preseason, which technically was Dec 20th (at 11 Pm EST) - Dec 27th at 11:59 PM. Therefore, there aren't very many events left by now. If you want to join a specific league event, you must be a part of that league. To join a FAME event, you must be in the league FAME. Furthermore, you can't be in FAME and join a CLASS event.
Btw, you are in FAME, and unfortunately all of the league events filled up quickly in just a day after I created them. My apologies. This is our second season in existence. Next season there will be more events with a bigger venue.
Overall, just keep rehearsing. Like they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. It takes a lot of time and dedication to the site. Good luck :)
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard