Spreadsheets and Calulations
December 5th, 2014 1:12pm
So I've been using spreadsheets to calculate some things and keep records on my ensembles and events for my league. A few questions,
1. Is it generally frowned upon to do this? Because I remember seeing a discussion in the forums a few seasons ago regarding the issue, but I'm not 100% sure and I don't wanna do anything considered cheating.
2. Does anybody else have any calculations or spread sheets that I can use to cross reference mine with? It would be nice to double check a few things regarding things like profits, ensemble statistics, event related things, etc.
3. Is there anything that anybody would like information on, or any ideas for a study you would like me to do? I would be more than happy to help people better understand the scripting formulas that make this site work.
Of course if the answer to number one is in fact yes, then questions 2 and 3 won't really be applicable. I'm not attempting to come up with a formula for success or anything, I'm only really trying to figure things out, because a lot of things on this site don't get explained or are extremely ambiguous.
Let me know,
Michael O'Leary
Founder and President, ROYAL
Founder and President, REGAL
Board of Directors, BoA
Board of Directors, MGC LC
Director of Bands, Royal Spades
FMA Commentator
December 5th, 2014 3:42pm
I don't think it is frowned upon, but it does take the fun out of the game in my opinion.
Ivory Brigade
December 5th, 2014 5:37pm
I think it's frowned upon
One of the benefits on this site compared to other fantasy type games is that a lot of it can be calculated, but the numbers will be varied, so even if you calculate it, it might not be perfect each time.
I think it's frowned upon because it's basically cheating. There have been several people that have done it in the past.
On a side note, a few years ago on the BD website forum, there was a guy that did a spreadsheet to calculate scores and placement for finals, based on the years previous scores, placement and judges. He never released it but he his predictions were about 90% correct.. and usually within .2 of a point.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
December 5th, 2014 6:46pm
Go for it Mike !!!
Knowledge is never a bad thing if used in positive ways.
I have already broke the game down to the most efficient use of rehearsing, hosting shows, Etc.
Cire is just not happy if anyone else is able to optimize their ensembles performance ... That should get a response from Cire ... maybe ... LOL !!!
By the way Mike, This discussion was had ad nauseum many months before.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum
BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
December 5th, 2014 7:37pm
I don't see what the big deal is. If someone wants to take the time to work the data in order to improve his understanding of what works, I say, go for it and more power to him. To me, that's better than spending real money throughout the season for the fantasy money to upgrade staff just to get ahead when losing, as some people do.
I don't use spreadsheets, but I check my point gains all time trying to determine an effective rehearsal strategy. What's wrong with that? Isn't that playing the game, or should rehearsals be done blindly with no expectations or understanding?
Defiant Hearts (FAME), Triforce Allegiance (BRAVO!), Spin Doctors (ROTC), Cymbalism (PEARL)
December 5th, 2014 11:12pm
I rehearse blindly with no understanding haha
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
December 5th, 2014 11:16pm
Defiant Hearts (FAME), Triforce Allegiance (BRAVO!), Spin Doctors (ROTC), Cymbalism (PEARL)
December 6th, 2014 1:19am
Woah. Didn't know I was opening pandora's box with this question.
Well, I don't want to cheat in any way, shape, or form, so the files containing the calculations are burned. Sorry to anybody who's pro- calculations, but enjoying the mystery and suspense of the game is not worth risking by making predictions and finding out the formulas used during scripting.
I hold nothing against anybody who is willing to do this, but I really don't want to ruin anything for anybody.
Thanks for the opinions,
Michael O'Leary
Founder and President, ROYAL
Founder and President, REGAL
Board of Directors, BoA
Board of Directors, MGC LC
Director of Bands, Royal Spades
FMA Commentator
December 6th, 2014 8:27am
I think that was a wise move, regardless of what some say it's not respected and the funny part is anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember any recent division 1 champion actually doing it this way. It's hardly comparable to checking where you stack up against others in an individual season and focusing on what needs work... That's pretty much how life goes. Doing it mathematically only exposes that it's really just a computer program that yes we know can be manipulated. It's also supposed to be fantasy, so let it remain the fantasy that hard work wins championships not a mathematical formula. Besides you do it that way you'll get bored quick and stop playing before you win the big one. Happens over and over
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
December 6th, 2014 10:22am
Great point. Ruining the suspense aspect of scores would ruin the game in and of itself. That would not be fair of me to do. The more I think about it the more the concept of just enjoying the game becomes more obvious a choice. Sorry, sometimes my brain is quicker to make decisions than my heart.
Maybe that's why I don't have girlfriends for very long.
Or maybe it's because I play nerdy games like this.
Anyways I digress. I agree with you gcurrier. Thanks for setting me straight friend,
Michael O'Leary
Founder and President, ROYAL
Founder and President, REGAL
Board of Directors, BoA
Board of Directors, MGC LC
Director of Bands, Royal Spades
FMA Commentator
December 6th, 2014 7:07pm
I don't think it's a bad idea in premise, your just looking to be strong and competitive in the game! However you can do it and enjoy it all without calculations! Believe it!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
December 6th, 2014 7:33pm
If you let gcurrier convince you how to play the game ... Then your not playing the game in manner that is based on your own ideas... After all, FMA was not created in order to allow a few player's to dictate their beliefs on other's !!!
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum
BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
December 6th, 2014 7:43pm
But gcurrier is only really trying to preserve a certain spirit of the game. It's a video game phrase called immersion. You ever been playing a video game and one of the characters begins telling you something to do with the controls like "Press A to jump?" It's a little disappointing. Video games are supposed to pull you into the environment and make you feel like you're really there and a part of it. Making calculations ruins the experience of feeling like an actual director much like when a character mentions the controls shakes you from the experience of being in the game that you're playing.
Also much like having 30 trillion accounts ruins the fairness of the game
Gonna have to go with gcurrier on this one. Sorry FF.
Michael O'Leary
Founder and President, ROYAL
Founder and President, REGAL
Board of Directors, BoA
Board of Directors, MGC LC
Director of Bands, Royal Spades
FMA Commentator
December 6th, 2014 8:37pm
I do think this has been an interesting thread. Sometimes I think the knowledge of how the numbers equate to scores and level gains etc. could be useful but then I realize real corps do not have this type of advantage. Sure they can design and play to certain judges, but we do not have that aspect here.
I look at keeping the game real. Personally, I like to go through how my individual caption scores stack up against my competition, then work on the areas that need it, as you would from real scores and judges critiques. This way has no guarantees, but will always improve your scores. It has worked for me successfully in DII&III, and I have honestly enjoyed not knowing my scores until they were posted. So far, it is working in DI, as I am improving and moving up slowly in the ranks.
I guess knowing my scores beforehand takes out the mystery/challenge of the game. Can you imagine a real corps knowing their score before they even take the field? Kinda takes out the true excitement of competing. But everyone has their own thoughts and ways of playing this game, as well as their own choice. I am not trying to say my way is the right way, but it gives me the satisfaction of knowing I did my best based on how a real life corps would operate.
Jim Helsel
Aftershock NZ Productions
Aftershock NZ: CLASS
Aftershock NZ Indoor Percussion: PERC (Founder)
Aftershock NZ PAS: ENCORE
Pandemonium NZ: LEGS
December 6th, 2014 8:52pm
Well stated, cire, gcurrier, and Kiwi! I try to do everything as realistically as possible with every game that I play! Doing what Mike wanted to do is similar to uncovering a cheat code or exploiting a glitch to always win, instead of using your imagination and just playing the game. Of course, all staff have a rehearsal strategy, but the realistic side of things is that it's up to the performers to execute, regardless of how they are rehearsed. Real life isn't always so predictable.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard
December 7th, 2014 1:56am
I'd respond to the personal attack if it weren't pretty much already covered by Mr. O'Leary(thank you) that its really about the integrity of the game, not any dictatorship crap...I'll take the fact that the majority, who include both new and seasoned players responding, have had a pretty similar response as enough evidence that its not a popular direction to go...I think there are some (though few) who have proven that integrity of the game isn't exactly their high priority...I am glad to see Mr. O'Leary will not be one of them!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ