November 14th, 2014 3:24am
Hello, I am the president of BRAVO! BANDS, an exciting, new league looking for marching bands with the passion and dedication to become a major force on FMA.
The board of directors and I formed BRAVO! BANDS to unite directors who truly dedicate themselves to FMA and care about the growth and success of their groups and the success of their fellow directors. (We don't play favorites, and we're always active.)
Please post a response to this thread or message me or anyone on the board for an invite. <---BRAVO! BANDS link
Furthermore, our sister leagues are looking for dedicated drum corps and color guards. The links to their sites are below. <------FAME (drum corps) <------ROTC (color guards)
Defiant Hearts (FAME), Triforce Allegiance (BRAVO!), Spin Doctors (ROTC), Cymbalism (PEARL)