September 9th, 2014 3:15am
Yeah, still don't agree with divisions this year. Would be in 2nd DIII, still out by 4 with current scores. I'll take 8th for now, only getting better.
Yes, looks that way FF, for now. You and ALM (AlanLovesMe) had me on your tails all year last season. TBH, I made a very rookie mistake during preseason this year. Spent all my money on staff, completely forgot scheduling my shows. I feel it's important to keep my groups on the court, so did the supporter pack route as an instant fundraiser. I see a lot of groups take a few seasons off to fundraise, increase stat pts, Me, I'm old school, the hard way. Earn my money from shows, my stat pts from practice. I place more value on exposure and consistancy.
Hey Austin, yes, BOoH has been a longtime dream of mine to put on the field. Here is a sample of a percussion rehearsal for ya...
Ah, I see, Flamtastic, though different league, are still in our "DIII Graduating Class", always competitive with us....yeah, you're part of this friendly little rivalry.
ALM, hahaha. Nothing wrong with arrogance, as long as it can be backed up. BRING IT!! Yes, you and Beatboxers were always close last season, me, a couple behind. We can only bring each other's performance levels up, so yeah. Let the fun continue...