September 26th, 2014 1:58am
I think my reaction was only normal at the beginning of the season. If you compare all the visible stats, director rating, level, and influence, your numbers were overwhelming in comparison. While they do lay a foundation, the important numbers come from your challenge levels and how much you actually rehearse. There are still a few things that I'm not sure how they work, like can you over-challenge you're group to the point of not getting good scores due to the show being too difficult? Does practice follow real life model, ie, you have to learn the basics, the music, the drill, then build your GE scores or do the algorhythms just crunch the numbers no matter what order they were gained?
Anyways, the gap is just over a point now between us. Gonna be a close one. In drumlines, it looks like there will be a battle for 1st between you and Twisted Tomatoes, and a battle for 3rd between Black Beat NZ and Prosody. Should be a very interesting finish.